Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book II. 8) is the fpiritual; and-this feedjs Chrift, (i.) Chrift myfiical, .the body ofChrift, the faithful tbat are knit to Ch a tr.ue and a lively faith. . . 3. Others argue hence, that th1s Covenant 1s made both betwixt God and Chrift, and betwixt God and us; Firft, betwixt God and Chriil: all the work of redemption and falvation wat · tranfad:ed betwixt God and Chrift before the foundation of the world . but this doth not hinder but that the fame promife is afterwards in time made to us alfo: Look as it is in Covenants amongft men, while the childe is yet unhorne the father takes.conveyance of an inheritance for his chi!de, which he keeps in his · own hand till the chi!de be borne and come to years, and then he p!,!ts it into his own P,offefilon ? fo it is here; we are for a time · hid in the womb ofGodseletbon, till we are brought forth ~y · the grace of regeneration ; now during this time we are not . in ' our [elves c<tpable of receiving any promife of life made to us; . but it is made ~o Chrift in our behalfe;. and he receives the pro- · mife from the Father i:n our ftead : but yet fo that when we come : to be borne .anew, the promifes are made unto ourfelves,and then , we are put 1oto poffe.ffion of them. Here th l' nisthe meaning of the text1 the Covenant u made with Chrift; (i .) with Chrift, and his heirs; principally with . Chrift,and with ~brahams nature in Chri(f, and yet perfonally with beleevm , who·are alfo the feed of Abraham. . All the · · difference is in that terme Chrift, what thereby is meant,whether Chrifr perfonal, or Cbrift myftical,or Chrifi reprefentative : And ' wefayI. Not Chrift perfonal, I mean not I hri ftsperfon lingly-confidered , for that, _I. Would f1ght .with the fcope of P~tttl, whof~:: bent it is to prove the promife of eternal life to be made to all beleevers , and.that; 2 . . Would conclude 'the promife ofeternal life to be given Chrift, ~nd not at all to rhofe that are beleevers in Chrift. 2. Not Chrift myfiical, for r. ·The promife is made to Chrifl:, · , In whom the Covenant Pl M confirmed. 2.. In whom the 'i',ztions were ver, 1!7· I lefjed. 3. In whom 111e receive the premife- oft he Spirit t hrouiTh 2 f aith. 4· Whow.-u m:.dea curfe for PA . - Now not any of thefe c~n ~% • • agree to Chrift myfiical; C~rif.l: myftical did not confirme the;~;·~;~·.:· CoveMnt, nor bleffe ~~e- Natlo~s, nor giye the Spirit , nor was !Illlde. a curfe~-- 3.!p