· 1048 .Book v. Looking t#ntD ~efm. Chap. t .Sed:. 6 :Rev. 3._; t , · .., Mat. tg .t8. .Rev.f. f · world. In the unfolding of this we may obferve t h~fe ·partiru~~ , 1. As Chrifi is on a Throne, (o now mufi the Eleit be fct on Thrones, To him that overcomethwi/1 Igr11nt to {it 'With me. in my Throne. 1hrones. are for Kings and. Judgrs ; and in that Cbrifl: hath now lifted up his Saints to this condition , he will have them fit with him as fo many Judges , and as fo many Kings; or if it be more honour to have Thronesby themfel ves, than to fit with Cbrifi in his TQ.rone; /ohn in his vi~on faw many Thrones, And l fa'W ThrontJ, and t?ey f~te upo~t ther:n. , and j udgement w111 given linfo thtm. And Chrtfi b1mfelf told bts Apofil es, verUy I [111 unto you, thAt Jl Whic-h ha'f!e follo'tl'ed me in the rtgene' ratiolf, when the Son of MAnjh .. O fit iH the throne of hi! glorJ, ye 11l[o fha/1 fit upon tWelve Thronn, jHdg;ng the twelve 'Trrbn of Jjrae!. Hence fome argue that amongfi all the s ainrs, the Apofiles {hall have their Thrones feated nfxt to Chrifl:; I owfoever the refi 01all not be deprived of their Thrones ; for nn e onely twelve Thrones, but twelve and twelve are fe r about the Throne of Chr'il: , ana round t~bout tht Throne rr ere four and twent] Thrtmes (or fears) .11nd Npon t h~ Throne I faw four an4 twenty Elder J fitting c/ollthed with n hire raymt nt, and they had on their hulds crown; of gold. Onely four and twent y Thrones, and four and twenty Elders are numb red, but thereby is reprefemed the whole Church of Chrifl; It is plain encugb, that all the saints Otall appear plainly in the glory of Chri fr s Kingdom, having Thrones with him in the air, during the time of his judgement. 2. The goats on the left hand fuall tllen be called tort>- ceive their doom, · No fooner the Saints enrhronized, but then thai I Chrifl fay, ye blef{td Angt!J hring hirlm aU thofo mineti'Jt· mies,who have [aid I [ht~l Hot rr~f e ovt , t hnn,t 1: nt Imay brui(e them wirh my Iron mace, 11nd bre11~ rhrm in piues l;kJ a Potters vef!e!. 0 the fear and trembling that wi ll now feaze on reprobates ! , co but fee the cafe of prifoners, when the Judge (peaks rhH word, Come Jll jlor_s, bring hither tho(e prifoHtrs to rhe bar. But alas ! whlC comparifon can we make to fu ite wi:h the condition of thefe reprobates? now !ball thdr hearts fail them for frar; now frull they feek death (oh how gladly would they die .a.gain ! ) ~llt ibJH not find it; now fhall they cry to rocks and