Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

'Chap. x .s~~.6 Leo king unt~ !fcfus. Book.V. 1049 and mountains, fall on HJ , and hide IN from the face of him Rev.6.16. that fitteth on tht: Throne , find from the wrath of the Lamb. As a prifoncr in a defperate cafe had rather remain in his for! did /linking dungeon,than coming into the open air for execu· tion, fo the reprobates newly raifed from the earth, would fain return again into the earth; glad to remain, though not on the face of it with pleafure, yet in the bowels of it with rottennefs and folitude; like malefactors prdling to death, they cry out for more weight, biOs eover m, mountains ft~!l upon m1 7et more weight, more roGks, "!ore tJ?ONntains; hiae m,.Preffe m, cover w, dif!atch 111. But all m vam; the command 1s ouc, Angels. and Devils wil force them to the bar, for the Lord hath fpoken it , Luk. i 'J.'Z7 , tho[1 mln1 entwnes which would not 1 hat I fhould reign ·over them, bring tbem hither. · 3· They fhall look on Chrifi, and bis S~inrs, now fitting on their Thrones. As prifoners that fiand at the bar in the face of the Judge, fo mufl thefc reprobates look the Judge and all his Atfelfors in the very face. r, For the Judge, they fball look on him, ·Behold he cometh with cloudJ, tmd t'tltrJ ei: {hall fee him. ifnd the] alfo which pierced him. We heard before , that no Cooner Cbri!l: in the.cloads but they faw him then; as the prifoners that fee the Judge riding to his Judgement-feat; ob but now they ihall fee him in the Judgement·fea.t ready with fparkling eies, and thun· dring voice to fpeak their fentence, Prifoners at the bar mufl: ·nGt turn t'heir backs on the Judge when he be· ..gins their fencence; no more mufi reprobates ; In majellate'vifuri funr, quem Tht) mtofl (te him in Majefl1 whom tht] would in humilitate videre nolucJ • l. • h h L rum; m tanto dillrinetius ' nllt um11~e to /Qo"- upon til umility ; t fit . vy b viramm (emiant quanto con- .fo much more they may feel hid polJ!Ier , by hoVrl temptius infirmicatem derimuch more thq derided his weakne[!, Oh the ferunr. difference betwixt Chtifls firfi coming in the >fielh , and in his fecond coming in the clouds ; t.hcn he came in povertie, now in majdly; then in humility, now in .glory; then with poor Shepherds1 now with mighty Angels; then th_e contempt of Nations, now the terror of the World; then crowned wilh thorns, now with majefiy; then judged by one man, now all men; then as a Lamb, now as aLyon; oh horr;or to conceive ! how will the fight of this Judge amaze - - Sfff{f . the