Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

IO)O Book.V. Looking unto 1t/M· Chap.x.Setl:ti C r the wicked ? and the rather becaufe they {hall fee him whom they h:IVe pierud. Is not this the aggravation of their terror? conceive the guilty man·fl:lier coming to his t rial, will not the red robes of his Judge make his heart bleed for his blood. {bed? doth not that crimfon cloath prefent a m'Onfrrous hew before his eies? 0 then what fight is th is, when·the man flain fits in the judgement•feat? the rofy wounds of our Saviour !till b-leeding (as it were) in the prifoners pre fence ? well may they hang their heads, but they fhall not fhut their eies; theyfo4/l fee him, faith the Texr; yea, they alfo Which pierced Mm {ha/J (le him. This very fight will be as convincing, as if they heard ChrHl: fay, thou ar: the man aiaft rmmher me , thoM arl the man haft pkrml me , thiJ \\lound, thi-J sk:,ar, And 1/m print ofthe nail sin my loandJ and feet \\!ere thy very dorngJ in l hJ finning agllinflme. And who can tell but Cbr.iil: may fjKak in forne fuch a manner as . this ! Come a/l you l)ll · the left hand prepare }OR for the (entence ; I am the mAn who'm JOU did crucifte ll[refo; 1 am he \Vhofe per{on you defl!i{ed, who(~ £"ommands you difobeied, \Vhofo Miniftm you abu[ed, Whofe Ser!lll?ltJ JOU ha,ed, whofe Offers JoU reje[Jed; and pf whom. you {aid, there u · no bet~Mie in him that we- · ·fo6uld defire him.· Wh~tfoever he: lhall fay, thiSI beleeve, tha t • Cllrifisfwcet face will be mofi terrible ·tothewicked atthat day. Oh it wi ll cut them·co fee him· in the judgement· fea t whom they bafely thut out of doors, preferring a lufi be· fore his prefence ; then wiH they begin with extreamefi grief ancl bitcerneffe Qt fpi ri t-to figh aBd fay , Oh, he that Ilso~ upon, ' 'llntl muft loo'<_:Jpon, and c.mnot choofe but look upon : ht whom lnow {te /i1 ting'on yander fl::ming, white, ~na glorioHI Thro11e, is· 'fe(HI Chr~f} , tbe .Mightie God, the Prince of Pet4ce, that trttel}'rf!iah, whojt preciow' blood wM poured ·OUt tU Wllttr r~pon th·e earth, to Jave hU people [rcn~ their fins : it u he, yea, the folf fame he that ma~y .: rime whiles I lived on earth, 'invited 1<1nd ·Wo?ea ~e by hu fait hfut Miniflers, that bt(ought and ent ilated me with tearr of dlarefi love, to le-ave my JufiJ, and to bid the 4e'Vil adieu; t hat k._nock_ed again and again at the door of my heart for entrance, offering himfelfto be my al-(ujficient , 1mdev1rlllj1ing huJbllna, telling me th.ct if 1 'Wo:~ ttl·/; ~t hrwe embrllct tJ him, at thiJ timefoould haw bu -r: the (olrmoiti of tht m.ln·iage , .r~nd now he wouldhAve fe~ iln immor~al.c;~\l'n of blifle and glory HJ!IIn my head wilhhM' own'