Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 1 .sea. 5 Looking 11-nto :Jiftn, Boot. V, ro;r own,AimightJ hancl ; bnt I al.u ! /i~e a wilful aeJPerate wmch, forfoo~ m1 own merq, judged my (elf nnworthJ of tverlajfing tift', , .-nd wretched/1 t~nd crt~tity 11gainfl my own foul, perjecuud 11/1 . the means Whichjhould have fantlified me, t~nd all the A1inijicrs which jhould have faved me, as in[lrummt1 in the hands ofChri/f, and now happy 1 if I were an hundred thou{alld miUions of mile~ Jifl,mt from thu fight of Jefm Chrifl , ob that thefe eies in my head were holes t~gain , IU they Wtre but even now Wh~n 1 w.u rotting, or rotttn in the grave! oh that 1 could rurn an] wa1 ajide from thi4 gloriom fight! oh that I were 11jfone, or tret, or air, or any other thing that wanted eies! oh that I had no ei~ Within , nor Hnderflanding facultie · to conceive of Chri[f, or to knoW Chrift Jefm .u m1 Judge, now readJ to bid me go to heiJ 1 ccrtatnly tbefe will be the woftrl wi!hes of the wicked, when they ,fl:ull look on Chrift as fitting on his Throne of Judgement. 2, For the Saints, they thai! look on them. Indeed the9' fit fo nel!r their Saviour, that they canMt look on him;bur they mufi look on them; the Sa-ints are on th-eir Throoes,eit her in the Throne or about the Throne of Jefus Chrill; and the reprobates fiand in a direCl: oppofite line to the Saints, fo chat their eies cannot be off chcm ; I t is fa1d in the parable, that the rich man bemg in hell, he lift up hh eies, andfaw Abr11ham afitr off, Luke 16 13 and La:<.arm in hu bo(ome; but the diftance being fo great as • · heaven and bell, that cannot be literally underfiood, but onely parabolically; it is otberwife here, for howfoever the reparation be already made, yet neither 1s the fentence, nor executi, on paft upon the reprobates; :tnd indeed as yet, both the Saintg and reprobates are in the air, the one on the right hand, and the other on the left hand of J efus Chrift, and therefore they cannot but have a full view of each other. In the Apocriphal book there is a plain delcription of this view, thenjh110 the righteoJU man Jland in great boldnefs before the face cffuch .u h4ve ajfliEled him, and made no account of hu labours; and \\?hen they fie it theyt{haU he troubled with terrible (Mr, tmd fha./1 he amazed t~t the ftrangnefs of hu {alvation, Jo far hepnd All that Wifd. S ,r ,:,~, they lookfd for; and they repe»ti111g and groaning for anguijh of4•$• fPirit,Jhall fay within them/ elve~, thu i& he whom we had[tmmimu in Jeri{ion , and a pro'Oerb ofreproach ; \\?e foo/J tlccounted his life . S fffff 2 madnr[s,