Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Gbap.I .Sect.6. Book.V. 1053 In the black book is not on ely written all fins done, but all fuch fins as were intended or purpofed to be done; All the projects .'Jf the hea:rt , though never aCted , mufl: now be difco· vered. Men little think of this; If I lbould te ll you offtJcb defigns tha.t died in your hearts,ar:~d never came out to ligh t ;you would be now ready to fay,Tu.fh,I mver aid (t<eh A thing, I onely · intended it,or had fame thoughts abot~t ;e,and what then? why then thofe very thoughts, fecrers, purpofes, projeetsthall come to light; or if there be any thing more hidd-en or, as the very bent , and frame_of your hearts, the very i~cli n ations of your fouls to this or that evil, fhall then be manifefl: to all the world. Nay, yet more, fuch fins as by the finners themfelves were never took notice of, either before, or at, or after the ~ommiffion of them, lball this day come our. Con fcience is fuch a kind of private Notary or Secretary , that it keeps nores or records of all ach and deeds whether you obferve them or no; confcience hath the Pen ofa re?,d y Writer, & takes in !bon band, and in an illegible charader, from your mouths as fafi as you fpeak,& from your hearrs as fafi as you comrive.Csnfciences . 'Writing (faith one) id not now legibte,M that •hich u "'ritttn with t he juce ofaLemmon i4 mt to read by daJ•light ,bM ago~inff i ht fire h] night you may read ir; (o con{ciencn tvriring cannot now he ret~d, /Jut in that day when htaven t~nd earth are (et on fire thu boo{< ·· fh4/J be opened, and the cypher be difcovered. Oh what a day will tbis be , when not a fin committed by any reprobate from the beginning of the world, but .now it thai! be : rehearfed . 2. As an account of all fins,· fo an account of all temporal ' gifts which God hath imparted. co reprobates , mufl: now be given. So~e have the gifts of the world, as riches, honours places of authority: othe rs have the gifts of the body, as healt!t, · ft rength,_beauty, life; others have the gifts of the mind, as underflandmg, wifedome, policy, le:~m i ng ; now of all thefe gifts mu~ they give an account. Come you that are rich ( faith · Chnfl:) render you an account of your ftewardfoip ; how have prm (pent J'Nr riches? The like will he fay to the honourable, and to tho fe in p-laces of authority; Oh re•mm&cr you were in auth~JriiJ, and office, ana plAce, but ~'r!hatforvice aiiyou to me, or my mcm~m? you h~a -wifedome , and learning 1 and k.;mvledg~, S fffff 3 . aml