Gbap.I .Sect.6. Book.V. 1053 In the black book is not on ely written all fins done, but all fuch fins as were intended or purpofed to be done; All the projects .'Jf the hea:rt , though never aCted , mufl: now be difco· vered. Men little think of this; If I lbould te ll you offtJcb defigns tha.t died in your hearts,ar:~d never came out to ligh t ;you would be now ready to fay,Tu.fh,I mver aid (t<eh A thing, I onely · intended it,or had fame thoughts abot~t ;e,and what then? why then thofe very thoughts, fecrers, purpofes, projeetsthall come to light; or if there be any thing more hidd-en or, as the very bent , and frame_of your hearts, the very i~cli n ations of your fouls to this or that evil, fhall then be manifefl: to all the world. Nay, yet more, fuch fins as by the finners themfelves were never took notice of, either before, or at, or after the ~ommiffion of them, lball this day come our. Con fcience is fuch a kind of private Notary or Secretary , that it keeps nores or records of all ach and deeds whether you obferve them or no; confcience hath the Pen ofa re?,d y Writer, & takes in !bon band, and in an illegible charader, from your mouths as fafi as you fpeak,& from your hearrs as fafi as you comrive.Csnfciences . 'Writing (faith one) id not now legibte,M that •hich u "'ritttn with t he juce ofaLemmon i4 mt to read by daJ•light ,bM ago~inff i ht fire h] night you may read ir; (o con{ciencn tvriring cannot now he ret~d, /Jut in that day when htaven t~nd earth are (et on fire thu boo{< ·· fh4/J be opened, and the cypher be difcovered. Oh what a day will tbis be , when not a fin committed by any reprobate from the beginning of the world, but .now it thai! be : rehearfed . 2. As an account of all fins,· fo an account of all temporal ' gifts which God hath imparted. co reprobates , mufl: now be given. So~e have the gifts of the world, as riches, honours places of authority: othe rs have the gifts of the body, as healt!t, · ft rength,_beauty, life; others have the gifts of the mind, as underflandmg, wifedome, policy, le:~m i ng ; now of all thefe gifts mu~ they give an account. Come you that are rich ( faith · Chnfl:) render you an account of your ftewardfoip ; how have prm (pent J'Nr riches? The like will he fay to the honourable, and to tho fe in p-laces of authority; Oh re•mm&cr you were in auth~JriiJ, and office, ana plAce, but ~'r!hatforvice aiiyou to me, or my mcm~m? you h~a -wifedome , and learning 1 and k.;mvledg~, S fffff 3 . aml