Chap.t.Seet.6 Looking unt_o 1efeu. Book. v. 1055 hoW ftrongll did he convjnce me; that all ~IU not nelL rxith my jin-fickfoul! how plain!] did he rip up Allm1 (ores! and opm to me all m1 fecrttl, and my JPhole het~.rt! but .altU rv_ithin a while I made Ajefl of all, I hardenedmJ heart again(f all, I fiifled,t!i his con- . 't!iClions, 1 /h14t my dAyes againft his di{coveries; 1 cated mither for the Minifler, nor any thi~g he [aid, " ·did, Andyet here iJ nat all; not o'llel] the Miniflers of(hrift, but the Spirit of Chrifl fometimt s JP11k! to my heart; 1 remember at (uch a time Chrift himfe'f (at it wert) conde(cend,d;·and bowed the heavent,andcame down t!J. entreate me for myJou/, he11/th; oh the ftrh•ingl of the Spirit of Chrift, a~ifhehadbrm.foathtohavetooka denial! 0 Chrifl, Rev. 3 .;\o, I remember thy words, When thou criedfl to me~ open finntr, open th] heart to thl S.:~viour, .-nd 1 will come in, and [up with thu, and thou With me. why fi.w-zer, are th} /ufts better than I? thy carnal pleafures better than I?thy r~orldlJ commoditin !Jetter tha>J I.? why jinner, what doft thou mum ? how long fhdll thy vain thought I lodge within thee? 0 t11ke pitie on thy JefUJ! for here j ft·and,and Wait at tht door •[thy het~rt,a~d my head i1 filled 'With the dew, and m.rlock.! With the drops of the night. 'But 11lM! Ire: jifled Chrift And hid Spirit; 0 thou .'judg8 and Saviour of all thineJNeil, Ideif/t chHrb.fhly with thu, ltird out ihy fJifllier.c~, 1 gave thee· a repulfe , I t~ld thu I had tlftert ainra·other lo r: tYI, and I ~auld none of thee; I troad on counce/, I trampled thy prtCi· - om blood u1fd(r my feet; and noW 111m expelling ~o other butt~ eat 'thefruit of my own wtty. NoWmayflrhou accomplifh thy Word, be~ c.aN{e 1 (et 11.1 nought 411 thy CQunfell, and·would non-e ofthy reproof, there-fore thou m11yj} laugh"'' my calamitie, and mock now my fet4r cometh. Lo , here the confeffions of finners. Ev~ry thing now ' ~om"Cs out, for Chrifi wil have it fo,as a preparative to his doom upon them• "' 5.''1'Chrif1 and his Saints·proceed·to fent.ence. Firfi, Chrifl: , the chief Judge !hall pronounce it, depart (rom me ye curfed into M everlliJ1ing fire, prepared for the dev 1/ and hisangd1, every at,lf•4 1 • word breaths out nothing but fire and br,imfione , ven· geance and woe ; to depa,·t from that glorious prefence .()£._ Chrifi were hell enough , but they mull go ·with a cur'(e; nor oneJy,fo, but into firr; and that mufl: be ever/11.(/ing ; and therein they !hall have no other company or comforrers but wicke~ devils, and they infulting over them with hellilb fpight a_!)d fime,ing eJprobratiqns. · Giv~