Chap. I. Sect:. 6 Looking unto JejtH. BookV. thought of it alre2dy burns us, Of all the creatures appointed by God to be the inflrumenrs of revenge, fire and water have the Jeafi mercy. But Fourthly, if we muft into fire, let the fentence fiand but for a very fl10rt time ; qUI:nch the fire quickly, half an hour will feem a great while there; No, depart from me ye C1Jr{ed into rverlafting fire : it was kindled 6) m'j /neath, and it hAth thu property ~mong other ftrAngc qualities,. that it u ;m unquenchAble fire; ttJ long M 1 Am God itjhAil endure, and ]t broyt in it; and when I cet.~[e to be happy, tken f!'a/J }' ce~e to he miferable. 0 wo is us ! what ? to hve 10 a fire perpetually without all end, or hope of end?-Yet Fifthly, allot us then fome comforters, whofe fmooth and gentle words may fwecten our torment!, or fomewhat dull the moi'l: keen edge of our extremity: 0 let the Angels recreate us with fongs and himnes of thee, .and of t~y bldfednefs, that we IDl}' hear that fweetly deltvered wbtch others fully enjoy: 10)7 No, · no y depart (rom me ye cur(ed in to eimlaftiiJg fire , pre.. ~ared for the devil and hu 11ngels : thry /hAll 6e 7our tomfortert; they that will triumph in your miftrin, the1 that are 1our deadlr, dtJPtrate enemies; th'q th~t Will teO you6ywhatdeceitJand6ywayel the; lea J'U from me, and that w1ll give you ever7 hour neW nilmes of (corn t~nd horrible reproach. 0 fentence not to be endured, and yet never, never mull: it be reverfed. 0 my brethren, I tremble at the very mentioning of this fentence and 0 what will they do on whom it mull: pa1fe? I befeech you before we palfe frotn ir,wil you ask but your fouls this one queflion? What? ctm 7ou dwell with everl~fting fire? if .yoH can, you may go on in fin; but if you csnnot, why thea ffop here, and r~pent of fin, 0 now fay, if thid be the effeR of fin, Lord pardon WhA~ J p.4!1 ' ana 0 give me gr!llct that I may fin no more, ltd (ometimes 1 hAve done. Methinks if a temptation thould come again for ordinary entertainment, you thould fright it away with the remembrance of thefe powerful words, dep~rt from me ye curfed Into ever/aftingfire,prepllred for the devil andhuangels. . 2. The Saints !hall judge the very felffame judgment do ye not rh.t.~t the Saints foa! judge tht worla.f that they as ~ell 1 Cor.6.:. asChnfi thai JUdge the world,ts without controverfie; And judg· ment WAf gillen to the Saints of the mo(J high. Yt alfo {hal fit upon Dan.7.:1, · T t t t t t twelve ·