BookV. Chap. I .SeCl:.6 Mat.t9.:~.B. j !ide I•hi $· 1 Cor 6.f• tt¥tlve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of 1 frad. 'Behold, the· Lord cometh with ttHlve thtm(sndJ of I: is Saints, to e~:teute judgement t¥pfn all. Know ye not thnt we /lull judge the /tngeiJ ! not onely f11all we judge the world, but the God oi the world; the principalities and powers tint r:Jptive wicked Jude If. iRom.:,l6. $fa!. men at their preafure; even they mufi: be judged by thofe whom they formerly foyled; fo then there is no quefi:aon but they flull judge. Ooely how the Saints fball judge togeth(r with Chrifi, is a very deep guefl:ion, for my part I am apt to think , that it flull not be direaly known , ere it be feen a'nd done. I fball onely rei<:te what others fay to this puinr and fo leave )'O-ll to your li~er ty of ~udr,ing what is righ r', 1. Some Jay that tbe Samts fhall JUdge the world by pre· fenting their perfons and action~ , by compaling their good examples with the evil fXamples of ali the rcp robnes; and fo, · · they fball convince and condemn the world . 'Bch Q/a the LmJ cometh with ten thou(and! of !Jis Saints, to cxrmte judgrmmt tip• on all, a_nd to convince all that are UnJ!,o'd!y among them; This I conceive robe a truth , yet fmely this is not all truth. 2. Others fay , that the Saints Gull judge the world by " way of inditing, impleading, accufing, witneffing, ctrc. And I conceive it may be thus roo; the Saints of the Law more efpecially accufing the breakers of the Law, by the Do 11111 think ~hAt I will Accu{i ;ou to the Father, there i.f one that accu[eth you to the Father, there it one that t!lCcuftth 1ou, evm . Mofes, in 'Whqm ye trufl. And the Saints of the Gofpel more efpecia,lly judging the prophaners of the Gofpd, by the Gofpel; in that aay rPhen Godjba/1 judgtthe (mets of mt" by{r(u1 Chrift, according to my GofPel. This likewife' is truth, bur I beleeve as yet we have not the whole truth. 3· Others fay, that the Saints !ball judge the world after the manner of exultation, glorying , and rcjoycing to fee the •vengelncc. The righteouJ [half rejorce when h.· (mh the vmgeance 1 he {hall 'Wafh hi1 feet in the blood'o( the wic~ed. But this thdr exult ing being a con{hnr ar.d pt rpe:ual act, not for a time, but for eternity, methinks this prefenr act fbould be yet . fomewhat more. · t• Others fay, that ~he Saints fluil jL1dge the world by . my