Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

--- C'up. t.Se.:t.s. ·-----·-··--·····-- --·- - -·---- Lookir;g unto 1efus. BookV. way of affdlion, affent, voce, fuffragt=, comprobation, and the like fubordinace, and conformable aCts. ~ndl he~rd another Rev,16.x7. out of the Altar faJ, even fo Lord God eAlmighty, true andrigk- ReV· 19• 1,a. torl4 Are ttJ after theft lhings, 1ht.t ·d agreat ' voyce of mutFh people in heaven, {ayJng, eA!Ielujah,fa/valion, and glory , and honour , <md poWer tmto the Lord cur God, for true and righteouJ art hu judgementJ ; this certainely is truth , and commonly fo received, yet neither is this :lll truth. 5. Others (ay , that the Saints. {ball judge the world (i.) Chritl in the Saints, and the S1ints in Chrill. He in them by thofe infallible princip\~s of Divine J ullice which are imprdl: in them; and they in him, by thofe infepuable bonds of union, w!:ereby they wholly relate to him : or he and they together as head and members, the a a ofthe head imputed. to the members, and the act of the members acknowledged by the head; his Judiciary ACt ( efpecially as from his Mediatorfhip and Manhood) having a peculiar influence upon them; snd their Judiciuy Ad: ( in a perfcd: conformitie ; though not any abfolute proportion ) having a peculiar reference to him. And methinks thole Texts of M.atth. 19 28. Jude 14, 15. I peak there of Chrifl:s, and of the Saints judge· rnent, as of one joint aCt, Oh what terror will be to all wicked men? when not onely Chritl:, but all the Sa nts !hall fay of them, AwaJ with them, awa; lvith them, /u tht~n be d.1mned. You that are Fathers it m'Y be your children will thus fent!!nce you, I remembe; when the Jews told Chrltl, he cast o!4t devi!J through Beelz.,ebub, Prince of devi/1, he nnfwered, if !through 'Bee!:>..ebub caft.M h om devi/J 1 by whom do your children caft them out ? therefore they att ' 1 z 7• fo 11! b~ your JHqgu. Tb y Lkcd well enough of the miracles of . their children who were D1fcip\es of Chrill, but they could not endur.: them in Ch ti(l:, and therefore he tells them, that their children whom God had converted, and to whom he had given power. to do the fame work• thlt he did, even they !bould b<: th~tr J udges co condemn chem. And fo it may be ' with you, tf any of your chtldren be converted to the Lord, and you remain Gill in a natural eftate 1 your very children tball be your Judges, and condemn you to hell. But of that anon. ·T t t t t t 2 6. In