1060 Book V. Looking rmto :jefus. Chap. 1 .SeCl:.6- . 44· 4 ). 6. In this doom which Chrifl: and his Saints Jhall paffe on reprob.ltes, our Saviour tells us of fome reafonings betwixt him and them ; I wM an hungrtd (faith Chri!t) and Jlt gave me no meat; I WM thirftj, and ye gAve me no drink, &c. - Thm jblifl they anfwer, Lord, when {aw we thee an hnngry, or athirft, or aftranger, or ;utk_ed, or Jick, or iq prifon, and did not minifter unto thte? and then /hall he.anfwer them, verily I fay unto you,inafmuch Myr did it rJOt to one ofthe ~eafl of thefe, ye did it not to me. As if ChriH: ihould have J::·ud, ume was th'at I was tmder reproach mifery, calamity, necellity; Ilay at you,r doores like La~arU.: full of [ores, and as I thought nothing too much for you, [ 0 I expetted alfo fomerhing from you ; bu~ oh cruelty ro fee thy ChriH: an hungred, ancJ not to feed hl!n ? to fee thy Chrilt' athirft, and not to c~ole or quench his rhirft? to fee thy Chrilt a i1ranger, and not to :;ive him a ni~hrs lodging ? to fee thy ChriH: n,1ked, and not ro cover him wuh a garment, who would o!adly have covered rhee wirh the robe of righteouiheffe, rhe garmenr of f:1lvation ? 0 menitrous inhumane heart ! () prodigious wretch ! who among the Heathens ever dealt rhus with_ th~ir Idols? have any ofrheNations!tarved rheir 9ods, turned them our ofdoores ? and multI onely be i1ei3hted? away reprobates ! you had no mercy on me, and now I laugh at your calamity; ii.1rely he /hall have judgement withont mercy , that h11th fhewed no mercr- They ll:and wonderin5 at this, and cannot remember that ever they faw Chritl: in fuch a condition; Why Lord (fay they) when {11w w~ thee an hungred, or thirjly, or nnkfd? art not thou he th4J rofe agatn from the dead, and a[cended on high,andever fnce haft been e)..·a!ted above the bigheft Cherubim 1 , a name being given thee above every name; at which name to this da;, but eJPeciafly now orJ this day, every lz?lee doth bow ofthing! in hea·ven, andthings in earth, and things under the earth· how then could we fee rhee in fuch a condition ? is not this 'thy fecond C~ l~inz, in s Jory? a.nr} were we alive at thy_firlt COming inhu- !1llhty ? h01v on this be ? oh why !houldH rliou charge us with unkin<:lnelie ro rhy felf? Sure if we had known thee in need, we >vould have t;i1·en rhee of rhv own, thou Dwuldlt never hav'<! wanred what~rhin;s we enjcyecl, but thou f11ouldll: h,lVe commanded both us and them. To which our Saviour replyes, Q deceitful , it,ncrant , and ilur iJ foules ! h.we you no better le,uned.