-------------------------------------------------------, €hap.r.Secc6. Lookingunto :}t[114. Book V. ro6r learned Chriil: rhJn fo? am not I Head ofrhe Church, and can rhe He,td be without Members? Verily, if you had loved, releeved, or done good to rhem, you had done_fo to me; but in beino uncharitable to them, you were no lefle umo me. Never f:~y you would have been rhus and thus kind to Chrill-, whiles you were unkind to ChriHians: herein lies rbe deceirfulnefle of your he,ms; 0 they are deceitful above all things, and defPerate!y J _ . wick§d, wh9 can ~ow them? but I the Lordfearth the heart, I try tt. 17·9• 10 ' thereine~, even to give to ewry m11n according to hio_ w~yes, and according to the fruit ofhio doings; In as much as ye d1d lt nor to one of the leall: ofmy members, ye did ir uot to me; and therefore get you down t~ hell, get you out of m~ prefence_; rake them Divels, aw.1y w1rh rhem Angels to the Dr vel and h1s Angels f0r ever. Thefe are the reafonings betwixt Chrill: and reproba~s; and if fo,may we not ima;ine the like betwixt S.lints and reprob,Hes? is there nor the fame re.1fon of reafonin:_; berwixr !ihem and rhe inferiour Judges, as bwvixt them and the Supre,un Judge? for my part I cannot conceive, but ifwe admit of fuch difputes be- ~wixt Chrirr and them, well may there be rhe like difputes, arguin.ss, and reafonings betwixt Saints and rhem : for they h.v! on e.wth more famili.uity, converfe ,and co!11!11union to ·e rher; fome ofrhem ir m,q be, were in near and dear r~l.uions ~o e.1ch other; and now th,tt rhe one l1ul! jud5e the other to etenul fl..unes, oh what paffages will be betwixt them ? I l1ul! in:l:ance in our nearelt relations upon.earth, as ofM.til:ers and fervam>, parents and children, husb.mds'and wiv~s, Minifl.ers and peoole; no quetlion but in rhefe very rel.ltions fo.me {hall ;udge, and o• rhers be judged; our Saviour tells us, there foal! be t'Wo men in L k - one 6~d,t~e one /hafl6e tak§n,the other foal! be left ; . two women foall u e 1 7 •l 4'/ f. be gnndtng at or;e Mt/1, the one /half be ta~en, and the other !tft ; two men /hall be together in one ftrtd; the one jb.2Il be t•tk.§n, and the other left; wherein th;: Lord feemes to l11ew th,lr Gods ektt:ion doth extend it fclfro all forts ofperfons, and fep,tr.m:s the mo~t. T~ey Jlullnot be f.tved by t~l 'TI_ilies , as in JI{Jahs ti !ne, but on:: fnenJ lhtll be c.tken by Chna 111to he,lVen , and another left for theDive! to carrx inro hell.Give me k.tve buteo enhrg on thofe re.:fomnzs, or d1fcourfes rh.tr w~ may iaugine will be now b~- twm there fever,tl relatrons. As - · T t t t t t 3 I. Betwix~