Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

--···- .-------,.------ ~-----------·-·- 1061. BookV. Chap.t.Seet.6 1. Betwixt Mafter and fervant ; if the MaHer b;: the S,1inr and his fe rvant the refrobate, then {hall the Maller fay, 0 th~~ wicked fcrvant, how many a time did I call on rh-:e to duty? how often have I told thee th,lt I would have thee to be Go~ a3 wdl as mine? how often came rh.1t word to thv earesi Coiof. 3 . u. SenMnts obey )'OurMajiers in al things according to the jl4h;mtwith e;e-fervice as men-pleafers,but in jingleneffe of heart,fearing God? how often w.1s rlut precious word laid clok to thy confcience he that deth wrong, fhall r£ceive for the wrong which he doth, bu; in doing [crvice to we tU to the Lord,_thoHfhouJdft of the Lcrd rmive the ,eward of t.he inheritance, for in fuch {ervice thcu didft ferve the Lord Chrift? but thou wou!d[t not be wm1ed, and no1v thou art juHly condemned ; I f.1y Amen to Chri,ls fentence; cet thee down to hell and the re ferve S,uan, anJ recei1·e hi> w,1~es in tire a1~J brimilone for ever. -- Or if th : fe rv,mt be ~he Saint, and his Mailer the reprob;<te7 then !lull the fervant fay, 0 my quondam MaHer, Q.ow m,my a ti ,:r.e lull thou tyr.mnized it over me? how cii~fl: thou uk me, , or abufe me tokn'e thy own luHs and corru;jttom? tr.any a tme I h.we had Hrong defires to w,1it upon C od in th~ ·ufe of p~.>blick ~md printe Ordinance>; rhi; mornin?, ,an~ that evening I would h,we ferved my Mailer the Lord ..l efus Chnlt, but thou wouldti: not fpare me one houres time for pr.1yer, re.1ding, meditation, &c. I was ever . faithful in lh y ferviCI~, [;Oin_s tO b~clla te, and ri fin;j e,uly; the Gcn.p.4o,4~ drought co1i,{umed me by day, and the frost by night, tmd my Jleep many a time dep.<rtedfrom mil'e eyes;furel)' God h,uh feen my ajflirtion, and the labour of my hands, andnow he hll th rebuktd thee; co:tthou not obferve rhe admirable jur ice and righreoufndfe of Chritl in the fenrences p:{'t on us both ? re•:r.e·nb::r that thou in thy life-time recievedfl: thy goo::\ things, Jnrt I rec-:ived evil thin ,' s, but now I am comforted, ani th ': u mufl: be tor~T!ented . I no\~ fe1Te a better Matter, afte r my 'weeks work with thee, I Jh1ll keep a perpewal s,,bb.lth wirh God ; but :;o thou with rhy old comp.mions from thy glorious n:.m~on to ,1lo.1thfo:r.e duns eon; fr0''1 thy TJbJe offurf.:t,tO ,l T.1bk o [ ven.~ean < e; f rocn thy faithft , I fervants, to a{hitt in~ fpirits; fro•1 thy berl of doun, to a bed of fire; from foFt linnen <m J f lk: n co 1erings, to wilh <1 rock for thy pillow, and a n1ounrain for thy coverle.c. · 2. Betwixt