Ch1p. z. SeCl:.6 Looking ttnto ::fe[JU. nook V. io63 2. Betwixt parent and chi!de ; if th~ p.trcnt b~ rh~ Saint, anJ rh~ childe the reprobate; then Dull the P.uen~ f1y, 0 thou wicked, rebellious fonne! or 0 thou 1\icked, r..:bdlious, and difobedient;dau~hte~! It is I that b~,;ot rh~e, or th~t bronghc thee forth; that dunng rhy tnfancy lu:l thee m my bo1o:ne, and dan J I~d i:hee on my kn~e, :md carried-thee in my annes, and fer rhee as a feal~ upon my h~art; thlt during thy minority fed rbee, and apparrelled the~, and trained thee up in mani1ers, karnin~, a pmicnlar c.lllin;, and efpeciJIIy in the nurture and admonition o:rhe Lord; and then when l faw thy untowardneik offEJirir, :m::l thy brcakings oat into thin,;s forbidden by Go::! and mm, 0 th~ admonitiom, reprehen:iom, co ~reEtivm! 0 rh~ mmy thoufands ofwarnings rh.1t I gave th~e of this d.q, and of the wr,nh to co:ne ! and yet thou wenrefl: on in thy Hubborn~!fe, rill thou beca:nea many and mmy a ti:ne a grief of mind, a bitternelk of fFiric nnto me: and th~n how 0£ten did I minJe thee ofrhy duty. Children obey JBt1r parents in all thimrs? C 1 r d h h . h' h Jift d b oo.. ~ - 20, Ilonor4rthyfathertm mot er, w tc HI t r comman.rnentrrithE.phef.2.6. promt[e ? the cp that m~ckph his father, and dfjjijeth to obe)' his Prov p.17, mother, the Ravent of tbe JIP~Ile; .fh:r/1 pick_ it OHt, and they oung Eagles jh111l eat it ? But alas, all rh~fe expretiiom nw:e no fwin' impr.::flion on thy hudened hean, thy brow w.1s brafle, anj thy finew of iron, thou w.1fl: ever l.liffe-necked, ;mel now rhou art ju!Uydamned; I cannot but approve of Chri,ts judgment upon thee; though thou cameH: out of my bowels, yet 110w I have 110 pity, no bovvels of co~npaffion towards thee ; th~ glory ofGoJ hath fo fw11lowei up all my mtunl affeetiom, rim I cannot but! \ugh at thy c 1 L1J1i.[Y , and joy in thy damn1tion ; I · gave thee abo:ly, anJ Go:l ht .nfelf gave th ~e a f out, but now i.::t Di\,el> hwe b::Jth, ·an1 torment rh2m in hdl; be ,~ on~ ! I J11allnever fee rh~e ajain. --- Or if rhe child b.:: the S.1int, and the p.Hent the reprobate, th~n n,au th-! chi! de, 0 t~lworthy parent; unworthy _o: everll:tin_; life ! I JnJ 1• 1y mtural being fro~11 thee, but my fpwtual b~1113 w.1s frl)c11 the Lord: if I had followed thy fl:eps, I h 1J been everl1fiin_;ly damn.::d; did not I know ~by i p,nor~n ,·e , thy un~~Jief, thy worl dlin::f1e, thy covetoufnege, thypn:k , thy tn1!Ice, thy lu~, thy luke-wa rm-· - 11~ffe, thy iJ1pa~i~ncy , thy c~fcontcnt:11enr, thy v.1in-glory, thy felf-love? dt-i~t thou not often check me for my forwardneffe)