---- ----------------- 1004 Book v. . 'Looking tmto q:e.Jtu. ·neffe, and zeale, and holine!le in Religion ? did(! thou not ask me, wlut art thou wife,r than the reH: of the neighbour-hood? are there not many gray haires among!l: us, whofe tvifedome and experience thou hall: not yet attained? and can!t not thou walk on foberly towards heaven, and either do as the ~rwH, or keep pace wirb the wifefl:? vvhar, have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharifees beleeved on Chrifl ? oh I {hall ever remember ro the praife and glory of CbriH, what difcouragemenrs I bad, and y'it how rhe Lord pluckt me as a fire-brand ?ut of the fire; and now h.nh the Lord fer me on the Throne to judge thee accordino to thy deme.rirs; and 'therefore I joyne with him7 who is the;,Father of fpirits againft the father of my. fl.e!h ; ~epart; go to the gods whom thou haG ferved, and fee 1f they Wlll help thee in the day of thy calamity. 3. Betwixr husband and wife; now if rhe husband be the Saint, and tbe wife the reprob,1re, then frrall the husband fay; Thou art il1e whom I knew in the fl.eil1, whom I dearly aifetted wirh my heart and foul ; whom I nourifhed and cheriJbed as my own body; thou art fhe that was the wife of my bofome, as near and dear~ to me as niy heart in my bcfome; thou w,1fl: my wmpanion, my yoke-fellow, and my very ddi_ht, but oh l I , rould never rule tbee, le,1d thee, guide ~hee in the way of life, m that path rh.1r is called hoi y: many a nme haye I wooed, fued, and fou?ht to ~a in thy foul to that ·bleffed Bnde~room, the Lord Jefus Cbrill:,'""' many a tin:~e have I prayed with thee, and for thee; many a rime h,lVe I Hirred rhee up to hear the Word, to \Yair upon Cod in the ufe of all me,mes publick md private; and infl:ead of imbraces, or yieldings to rl1efe bleffed motions , :Prov .19.1 3, I have met with contenrions and iarres, M a continual dropping in a - 27' 1 5· very rayny day; but death hath dijfolved thaO~.JJOt,fo that now 1 am no more thy husband; thu u thr d.1y offeparation, and I fha/l no more Con{ort ~ith thee; at the refurret1ion there uno uft ofmarriage, 6ut ~lark 11 • 2 5· now I am to live ao an Angel in heaven; and becau[e thou wouldll: not draw vvirh me in CbriHs yoke, now therefore adieu for ever and ever; we il1all never more lye in one bed, ,or {jt at one board, or walk in one field, or grinde at one Mill ; thou hail loll: tree, ~nd thou hall: loll Jefus Chri(l, two husbmds in one day ; go now and take thy choice in helll thou art free from u~, but thou fhalt be bound there with indiifoluble bonds to the Dive!