Chap.1.Seet.6 Looking r~nto Jeff#. Book V. 1065 Dive! and his Angels. -- Or ifrhe wife b:! the .Saint, and the husband rhe reprobate, rhen lhall the wife fay; Thou art he whom I looked upon as my fecond-felf, my head, my gove:nour, my helper, my husband; for wht>1n I was willing ro forfake my native home, fathers houfe, deare relarions of father mother, brother, flll:er, and many comforts in that kind; and I expe8:ed co have found new matter, and a continued influence of comfort, and delight in a marriage-Hate; but oh rh.e vexations of fpirit ! hadH thou nor almofi drawn me away from Jefus Chrill:? was I not forced rhrough ma·ny provoc,ltions · fomerimes to break out and fay. Surely tl bloody hnsband 11rt thou Exod.4 , 1 5 • to me p many a time I ctyed out, 0 my husband whef1 wilt chou · fet up the rich and royal rrade ofgrace in thy family? \'Vneii wilt thou exercife prayer, reading, catechifmg, conference, dayes of humiliation, and other houlbq)d holy dudes ? oh for doing fomething to a!fure ?ur foules ofmeeting together h1ueafrer in beaven ! Bur alas ! lt would not be ; and r'l.ow fee rhe efteCl: ; here I H:and like a O!:eene, deckt and adorned wirh cloth of gol~, w~rh rotyment of needle-wor~, vvirh rhe white robe of Chnlts nghteoufneffe, f? th~t the Ktng.ofheaven.greatly de{ires my bea~ty, and my foulrs rhrs day m~rned to Chnll:; I acknowledge hun, and no other husband rh rhe world, artd for rhee who refufed co joyne with me in the worihip ofGod, now God hath refufed thee: fare\vell ot fare ill for ever. 4. Betwixt MiniHer and fome of his people at leafl:: if rhe people be as fo many Saints, and the Miniller the reprobate , then lhall the people f<iy : 0 thou art the man that undertooke(l rhat high and mighty calling of feeding foules with the Word of life; but now are thy fumes written in rhy forehead, for either thou tuh'fl: before thou wail: fenr, or l:ieing fent, thou halt been exceeding ne~ligent in the gift th,lt w.1s ii1 thee: Didlt chou not prophelie 111 Baal, and caufe Gods people to erre? didfl: chou not Hudioufly and mainly feekfor the Fleece, notregarding refpe~tively rhe flock? didll: thou not f!renathen the . hands ofevil-doers in preaching peace,peace to wicked men ? wall: thou nat propharie, and wicked, and loofe in thy lite, and by that meanes ledil: many thouf.1nds ro hell ! 0 thou bloo:iv Butcher offoules; hadil thou been faithful in thy Minillry·, well migpt rhofe damned companions about thee h.we efcaped· U u u u u u the