Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. r,Seet.6 Looking rmt1 1tfus. Book:.V. xo67 one onely Text in the Bible, Obey them that have the rHle over He b.~ you, andfubmit your (e!vu, for they watch for your foules, M......._t~ey Hu~t~j commi - that muft give flccount, he profeffeth that the terrour of this' Text 7IJ~19niS tcrro~ · h bl S 1 · · h k h an1mum mzlu made hu . cart tre'!l e. _ure y It 1s e.noug to m_a e our earrs conculit . tremble,If we fenoufly weigh our temble doom, 111 cafe that we Chryi. de. fhould mifcarry. But now on the other fide, if the MiniHer be the eleCt: , and fentenc'd to falvation; and many of his people prove no bett:er than repr®bates, then {hall the MiniHer fay, 0 miferable fouls, now you feel the truth of thofe comminations , and curfes which we opened and unfolded, and difcovered to you out of Gods Word! we dealt plainly withyou, th11t the unrighteom foould C not inherit the Kingdome ofGod; we advi(ed yoN again find again, 1 or.~:· be not deceived, neither fornicntors, nor idolaters, nor adultereYJ, \ 1 , nor effeminate, nor 11bu[ers if tbemfelves with mllnkjnd, nor theeve~, nor covetom, nor drunk..ard1, nor revilers, ner ext9rtioners, foall inherit the Kingdome ofGod: and fuch were you, and norwichHanding all our threats, warnings, intreatings, befeechings, thus ye lived, and thus ye died; and :here is the iffue, ChriH now hath doomed you to hell, and here am 1 fet on a Throne to judge your foules, for the Saints·fi,all judge the world as well as Chrift himfelfe; oh what fhall I do ? 0 my bowels, my bowels! here's a cafe beyond all the former, each of them according to their relations judge another; but here's a multitudC;?, not one, or two, or ten, or an hunclred;but many hundreds, or thoufands,according to the number offuch and fuch congregations, where I have preached. In Chrifl:s reafonings with the wicked we have heard of h,is fayings, and their anfwers, and of his replications to their anfwers, much faid on both fides to and again; I may fuppofe the like here. Oh whatl11alll do (fayes rhe MiniH:er) whatdoorm. fhall I paffe on this affembly of reprobates ? can I abfolve th.":m whom the righteous God hath condemned? can I fay, come along with me to heaven, now ChriH: hath faid, go ye curfed in.. to hell? and oh now l11all I turn my fpeech from my wonted wooing, befeeching, inn·earing, exhorting, to adirect: dooming, damning, condemning thefe foules to the pit of hell ? fometimes indeed I opened to thefe foules all the armoury of Gods wrath, I thundred.and lizhmed in their congregations; U u· u u u u 2 but