Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.I.Sett.6. Lookingunto 1 rf114. Book V. ~069 Iove,Chrifl:sfentence mulHl:anJ,and as I am a me:nb::r ofChrilt, and a MiniB:er ofChritt,I cannot but approve of it, and fo judge , you to hell. · Why then (fay reprobates) we will curfe thee, and,blafrheme Jefus Chrittin hell_ for ever; curfed be the time that ever we heard of }efus ClmH,or that ever\~~ knew rhee,or thy MiniHry, do nor thy Sermons fend us deeper tnto hell?h.ld it nor been eaJier for us at this day of judsn:enr ifwe had lived in Tyre anq Sydon,where the Gofpelnever was preached? didH thou not harden our hearts in fuch and fuchSermo,ns,when theWord came home? dic!H: thou not deny us-the feales which might h,we been for confirmation of our foules falvation?dicllt thou not eflran;e thy felf from us.it1 refpeel: ofany inward, inrimare, and f.uniliar fociety, which thou affordelt to others? cloth not the event plainly 111eiv that all thy tears,prayers,words,and works, as in reference to us were hypocrifie, flmery, deceit, diHimulation? oh curfed be the -day that ever we lived under fuch a Mini,lry, or ever we heud of Jefus Chrill:. Nay then (faith rheMinifler) it is time for us to p.m;fuch were your invectives on earrh,anJ now they are,and will be your language in hell;but have I not anfwered rhefe cavils many a cime? · have not I told you that the Word would harden fo ·.ne, & [often others, the fault being in your felves ? have I not cleared it rhat fhe feals are not to be fet upon blanks,&that confirmation could not be wirhout awork ofconverfion to lead ir? and wer.:: we not commanded in the name of our Lord ]efus Chriil: to with-draw. our felves from every bro~her that walketh .diforderly? did not: Th!t: ;. r6. the wife man tell us?he that toucheth pitchjhall be defiled rhere.with, p 6 8 &he that h11th ftllowjhip with a proud manjh11ll be !ikg unto him? can rov. 1 ' 17 ' 1 ee'man tak!; fire in hi& bofome,& hucloatbs not be burnt lean a man go upon h9t conlJ ,and hu feet not be burnt?as for other avils, the Lord be Judg bmvixt you and us;nay,the Lord h1th been Ju<:l<:> betwixt you and w;;lo,here we ltand on the ri~ht h.m:i of Chri}~ lo,here we fit on our1brones to judg you,&that world ofwicked men& Angels;let Chrilt be glorious,& let his fentence !hnrl,& let rhar.. word ofJudgment never be reverf~d;he that loveth CHrfing, let it come upon h}m·;&he that cloatheth him [elf with curfing a.s witha gar~ ment,!et it come into hu b9we!s likg Wllter ,and like oyle into his bones? rra. I09oi7' IIJ no more, but adieu fouls, adieu reprob.ues, adieu for ever; you, mufl: clefcend, but we mufl: afcend. Go you to hell, while; we mount upwards into heaven and glory. U u u u u n 3 At