Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

-------,--_____ ...;...,_ ______ Chap. 2 .Seer.~ Book H. 8.9 as not to regard other things, how much-more fhould this con. (ideration ot Chriil? ifa carnal heart, a man that minds earthly things, be fo taken up about them , becaufe they are an object fuitable co him; how much more fhould a gracious heart , that can fee: into the reality <•• f tbefe things of God and q_hriil from evedaiting be fo taken up with them as to mind nothing e!fe? cvme then, 0 my foul , and fetch y co1,1fidera·tion on work , as thus.-- · . I. Conuder' 'fe[us in his relation to God, how he was the etern~l Son of the Father : I know in fome refpeCl:s we have little reafon thus to lov/zon 'fe[tu :. as \VC are finners and fallen from God, there i; no looktng on a11 ahfolute Deity; alas, that Maje£ty (b:caufe perfectly and effentialLy good) is no other then an enemy to G.nners as finners ; fo as we are finners , and fallen from God , there is no looking on the Son ofGod ; I mean on the Son ofGod , conG.dered in the notion of his own eternal be-. ing, ·as coequal, and cqeffehtial to God the FatL1er : Alas! our fin· hath dffended bis juf\ice, which is himfelf: and what have we to do with that dreadful power, which we have provoked ? But confidering {efm as 'fefru, which founds a Saviour to all Gnners - believing on him : and that this 'fefus containes the two natures of Chrifr , ·both the Godhead , and Manhood; hOW we that have our interefi in him,may draw neere, and (as we are capabl<!) behold the brightneffe ofhis glor)'. To this purpofe the Scriptures Hcb.1.~. have di fcovered to us God the Son, how he is the fecohd perfon in the Trinity, having the foundation of perfonal fubfifience from the Farber alone, of whom by communication of his.effence he is begotten from all eternity; wben there were no depths Prov.8.1 4 , ~~. I was brought forth ·, -before the .mountaines were fet!ed~ and - before the hills I w{ls brGu,-ht forth. Ante colles genita erarn , before the m8tmtaines I n'as begottent . as fQme; or, ante collesfiliata eram, bef,re the mountainrs I wn fonned his {onne; as others tranilate it. -Why thus 0 my fou~e, confider 'fe(us, the Son of God , but in this confideration be not too curious; thou heare(l: of the generation of the Son, and ofthe procefiion of the Holy Chofi , but for the manner how the Father begets the Son , o~ how the Father and Son. do fpire, and fend forth the Holy Seirir, be not too bulle tp enquire; thou mayfr know a little , and confider :~little, but for the depth and maine ofthis my fiery of - N grace, . ~