Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

BookV. Looking urJto 1t( m. Chap. r. Seci.l o As Chrift hath a twofold glory, fo there is a twofold m1nner of beholding it, (i.) ocul&r and mental. I. There is an ()cular vHion, a fight of Chrifi with our very .Job 19.~7. eyes , whom l {h11ft fee for my [elf, ;~nd mine eyes fhall behold htm; .with thefe eyes in our heads we fhall one day behold the bu- :mane ·glory of Cbrifi ; I dOubt not we fluII behold the beauty ,of Heaven, the fhining bodies of the Saints, but above al·l, our very eyes {hall delightfully contemplatc:Chrifts glorious body; and indeed this flu II drown all the other fights , if any think that Chrifts glorious body fhall be too intenfive,and too extraordinary a brightnefs for our weak eyes; let fuch cor.Gdcr . that- '· The eye in heaven fhall be glorified ; now glorification adds afingular excellency to the facnlties, it advanceth the faculties, and rai(eth them to an higher pitch of excellency; glorification adds a greater capacity to the eye than ever it bad be· fore. In this world there is a difference in our eyes and fight. a man of a clear fight fees more things, and more of every thing than a dark·fight doth ; fo .a glorified eye fees more of things than our eyes now can fee; it lbal be enlarged exceeding. ly to take in objt'cts which now it cannot receive; glorification adds ftrength to the faculties both internal, and external, fo that the eye fhall be able to look on the glory of Chrifi, not with difficultie, but with contentment; in this world every fenfe we have is apt to be defiroyed by excellent objects , and the: more excdlenc, and tranfcendent the object is , the more it hurts and defiroycs the fenfe ; as the Sun. by irs brightnefs darkens the eye, and other things by mighty founds bring deafnefs on the ear ; P aut indeed had a vifion of glory , but becaufe his faculties were not r,lorified, he was he knew not how, 1'.1hether in the bf!dy, or out of the body, whether alive Qf, dead , he did not know; certain ly the fight of the glory of the other world would amne , difiract , and defiroy uF, if we had a fight of it as now we are; but in heaven the eye fhall have great pleafure in beholding the brigheefi light, becaufe it flull be advanced to the highell pitch of fireogth that may be. u As the eye flu! be glorified , fo it fhal ~a iri aglorified body1and this will make the fi:;ht of the glory ofChri!l in fiead ' · v of