Chap. Looking rmto ::fefm. Book V. 10.95 of,co leave upon u~, a more fweet, enlivening, and powerful impreffion. By this means all the impediments that hinder the conveyance of divine influences from that heavenly obj!Cl will be removed. To illuflrate this, le~ the moft excel· lent fight be fet before a man that is defeCtive in his b-odily fia te,and it doth not take him; what fhould a fick man do with · fuch things? he makes nothing of the moil: pleafant gardens orchards, buildings , nor of the moft glorious fights tbat are? . when he is fick, they are but fick things to him , and of non~ effect; but in heaven the body !ball be glorified, and fiript of all wrruptions and imperfe8ions, fo that there tball be no bar unto the influences of the _glory of Chrift which !ball there be feen. 3, As there {hall be a glorified eye aCting in a glorified body, fo it fhall be aa:ed by a glorified fpirit; the eye is but rhe organ or infl:rument of fight, and without the fpirit would con· vey no more than a glaffe doth ; it is the fpirit of a man that gives life to vifion, it is the fpirit of a man chat difcovers things , and fets them forth in their worth ; vertues, ends ; now in hnven the fpirits of men lhall be glorified, and · enabled-to performall thofe offices in perfc:a:on; fo that when · a man 11ull look on the man Chrill Jefus by vertue of a glorified {pirit, he l.hall fee more, know more , tafie more than any other can; _ As a man of underfianding when he looks on a diamond, or a wedge of gold he hath other appretienGons of it, and a further touch upon his fpirit, than a beafl:, or a child in a cradle hath; fo where the 6ght of the eye is aCted bv a glorified mind, it takes in more from the 6ght of every thing which is to be feen ( unexprellibly more ) than what can be done here by the moft fanctified Spirit in the world. Now in thefe refpects Chrifts glorified body (though it be the bright~ eft vifible thing in the Heaven of Heavens) yet may it be the ob jed: of the eyes of Saints , for they !ball have glorified eyes, in glortfied bodies, and a8:ed by their glorified fpirits~ 2. There t> a meneal vtfion, a 6ght of Chrifl: by the eyes of our underfl:andings; and ftilrely this exceeds the former, the eye of the body is onely on the body of Cbrifi, but the eye of the foul is on the budy and foul, on the humanitie and Deitie of J efus Cbrifl:, This is the: very top of heaven , when Saints . . fhill