1096 Book.V. Chap.t.Secl:.to 1 Cor. IJ . IZ. Rev.u.4. fl!!.efl. v!nfw. fball be illigbtned with a clear and glorions fight of Chrift as God ; Divines ufually call it, 'Beatifical fli{ion . But 'how fbaii Saints behold the glorious Elfence, or God· head of Cbrifi ? I r. Some fay,Chrifi as God, or the God'bead ofChrifi fball >be ·known by the Humanity o.f Chrifl: ; fuch a lufl:re of hi s Deitie.{Qall ChiJ¥ thcough his Humanitie, as that thereby, and by no other means fball the Elfential glory of Chrifi appear. ,. Others fay, that bcfides the Humanitie of Cbrifi, there fhall be a ft>ecies reprcfeoting the Divine Effence of Chrifi~ and a 11ght of glory elevating the underllanding by a fuperna· rural ftrength ; and that thereby the glorious Efience of Cbrifi fhall be difcovered. · . 3• Ochers fay, that the Divine Efi'ence fbsll be repre. feated to the glorified underfianding, not by Chrifis humanity, nor by any fpecies, b"ut immediately by it felf, yet they alfo re· q~ire a light of glory tQ elevate and forti fie the underltand ing by reafon of iu wcaknefs, and infinite di(proportion and di· fbince from the incomprchenfible Deity. 4· Others bold, that to the clear vifion of ehrifl: as God, th~re is not rcquir~ a fight of Chrifts humanicie,as the fi rfi fupppofe; nor a fpecies repefeting tbeDiviq.eElfence,as the ftcund fu ppofe; nor any created light elevating the underftanding, as the third fuppofe;bu.t only a change of the natural order ofknowing;Itis fufficie'nt (fay they) that the Divine Effence be immediately re• prefentcd to a created underfl:anding ; which though it cannot be done according to the order of nature, as experience tels us, ( for ro we conceive things as firft having paffed the fenfe and imagination) yet it may be done according to 'the Order of Divine grace. I Chall not'enter into tbefe fcho lafiical difputes, it is tnough for a fober man to know that in heaven we flull fee him faceto [~tce,hu ftrvAnts foal ferve him,& tht] {!111! (ee hid facr~ His face? whats that? I anfwer -- J. They fhall fee Chrift as God , of the fame Elfence with the Father/ md the holy Ghofl:, and yet a difiin~ Perfon froiD thfm both; they fhall fee the Unirie in Trinitie, and T.inicie in Unitie ; they fhall fee how tbe Son is begotten of the Father, and bow the holy Ghoft proce(ds fwm the Father, and the ~on; they fhall tee the diffmnce be.tween the generation of the