Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.I.Seet. i o. Looking unt(} :Jefus. Book V. the Son, and procdlion ·of the Spirit. Thefe are myfieries in whicb we are blind and know very little or no1bing, but in feeing his face we fhall fee all thefe. 1097 :a. They fhall fee Chrifl: as the firfl: being, or pr incipal of ali the good that is in the world; they /hull fee how all things Joh.q. were made 61 him, and wlrhoHt him \r.u nDt any thing made that . w.u made; they fhall fee all the good in the creature as flowing from Chrifl:, and as <:ontained in the abfolute perfdtion of Chrills Divine Nature ; they !ball fee in one Chrifl: all the fX- . cellencies of all the creatures united, which is indeed to fee him in his eminency if there be any beauty ,ricbes,honour,goodnefs in any creature, that is eminently, tranfcendently, and originally in Chrift, and that fuall be ften. 3· They f.hall fee Chrifl: in all his wayes, counfe!s, iiecrees, execution!, tranfadions, frdm everlafiing to everlafiing; that great bulinefs of election and reprobation will then be difcovered; ic is an expreffion of eAugsftine, thq fha/J then fee the reafon 'R!hy one is eleeled, And AniJther reprohattd; 'WhJ one urich, and another poor; they fhall then lee all the works that eve~ God did, or that ever God will do; it is not yet 6ooo years fince the creation of the world, and what is 6 ooo years to eternitie? certain· ly the truth of Origen's opinion touching the txiflenq of other ~'~$·!.de Prin~ "Worid1 /Jefore thu,& the futurl {uccejfion ofother world1 after thid, c1p11s 3·'·5· will then be known. If no worlds before this, yet ifGod in Chrifl: hath done fuch great things in only 6ooo years, what he may do in the next 6oooyears, and fo in the next 6coo years, who now can tell!' we fee not thefe things, but the Saints in feeing the face ofCnrifl: f.hall fee all thing~. 4· They fuall fee Chrifl: in all his glory , wayes , counfeis, decrees, executions, tranfaaions, as working for their bappi. nefs. Now this is more than the former ; there's a great deal of difference in feeing an objeCt as excellent in it felf, and in feeing an object as conducing to my happinefs; As one that is a fl:ranger, and another is an heir rides over fuch a demefgne; the firanger rides over it, and takes delight to fee thefittlation, rivers, trees, and fruits, but the heir looks upon it after another manner' thU (faith he) u the !tmd for which my father laid out r(J 'lnRch, Ana a0 to tnrich -me , and 11/l toUt flow it on me, 114 mJ inheritllnct. S'o the Saints admitted into the glorious fight of Chrifl:, A a a a a a a they