Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. I .Se~. I o Louking unt~ 1efur. Book.V. xo9 D1all n~ver end ; rh1t ChriH lhould nor onely paffe by, but Hand Hill, fo as rhe foul !hall never lofe his Cight; 0 how J!orious is rhis? if a man do but look upon a delighrf(tl obje8:,::oh~ is loath to have rhe eye drawn from it; furely rhe eyes of Saints !hall b~ eternally opened to fee the divine nature of Chriit; turn tq~m which w.1y rhey will, they f}\Jll never turn afide the bu!ied eyes of their underl1:anding from oft the Deity ofChriit; he fills h.:aven; h~ is rh.u fair Tree of life, rhe branches whereof in all rh.1t huge and cap1cious b:mlers of heaven luve not room fo grow in; for tl;e /_ea-z_en of l:eavens cannot contain him. 0 the wonders of heaven. There is u4.~raham, <.J'vlofes, Elias, rhe Prophets, rhe Apo(1:1es, all rh-:· 3lorified Martyrs, but the Saints h.we neither leafure, nor he,uts to· feed themfelves with b.:hok;ingof creatures; no, no;_ all r~e eyes of heaven (which arc a f.1ir and numerous ~ompany) are itpon ( onely, onely upon) the LordJefus Chn!l:; the f:trl:ier harh ~10 lcafure to look over his 111oulder to his fonne; the 'husband hat-h no leafure to look Q\'tr his lhoulder (O his wife; Chri!l: takes all eyes orf from fuch cre1ted rbings; furely 'tis ~nough for the Sainrs and An:.;d; in h.::aven ro !ludy Chrit1: for all ererniry; it t11all b.:: their ondy labour to re.1d Chrilt, to fmell Chriit, to hear, fee, and talk Chrill: ; ro love, joy, and enjoy ] efus ChriH for e\•er and ever. Thus [u of rhe fecond point, how rhe S.1ints lhall b~hold the glory ofChrill. - 3. \\herein is rh;: co ~nprehentveneffe of rhis expreffion; that tl e beholding of Cl rift is o!Jr all in all ? 1 anfwer.- · I. It con!prehends rhe immedi,1re feeing anrl looking upon all dut Ma ;eHy and glory which Jefus ChriH barb. In rhis fenfe Paul rook it when he complainerl, we wa/,not by fight. 1 Cor. 5• 7• q. d. on e,mhwe have faith, and in heaven we luve Cight; 'it is fo··ne comfort rh,1t now I fee Jefu<> Chri(l: by f.1ith, but compar,1rivcly to th,1t ·Iicht which the S,1ints have in bewen it is as no comfort at all ; ~l,tS L I am not, 1 cannot tle f,ltisfied fo long as I am ;1bfent from rhe Lord, I look upon my felf as one from home; And as aPrina in a Grange land Cits down fadly, b~- caufe he lurh not rhe fight ofhi,f.lrher, fo I am forced to compbine ;. 0 I cannot fee n-:y Lord, I wo#ld fain behold ~im, 1 flm a ji ranger on earth, api!grim in this world, I .:m not where I would Aaaaaaaz be,