llC 0 BookV. Looking unto1efra. Cbap.I.SeCl:, ro ·--------------------------------------------------- be, I am abfent fr~m him whom I moft defire; . 0 I dejire to be dif. fol;;ed, and to be wit~ Ch.rift.; I walk._ with him here on earth by faith, , but to wal/z.Wtth h1m m theftreetes of heaven by Ji.ght is far better; 0 I long, I pant, I br.eath~ 1 dejire, I thinlz ;very day a year, and everyyear an age tdl I be 111 heaven, at home, in my Fathers armes, that I may behold and Jee.him,and that immediath,Ifay immediat!y in hh·glory. ThtSls one way ofbeholdinc> ChriH:, it is an immediate fight. 0 2. It comprehends the fruition and enjoyment ofChria in his glory. Surely the Saints !hall not be meere idle fpecl:ators of the glory of Chrifi, but they !hall enjoy him, and be taken . intofellow!hip~vith him: it was faid of rYvlofu, that he did fee the Land of Canaan;, but he was not admitted into it ; itis otherwife with the Saints, theY. !hall fee heaven, and they !hall . enter inro.heaven, come thou fai~hfulfervan~, an~ enter into thy 011aftersjoy, not onely behold It, but entermto It; they mull: behold ChriH:, and take po!felfion ofChriH:, and enjoy him· as their own. And thus the word to fee, or behold, is often ufed in Scripture; except a man be borne again, he cannot fee the King- . John 3 • 3 dome of God; ( i.) he cannot enjoy it: and Father l will that ' John I 7· ;4· thofe whom.thou haft given me be with me where I am that they!d my glory. ( i.) .that.they may enjoy n:y glory; for ChnH: IS not onely glonous 111 hunfelf, but he Is the fprino of glory unto, .orhers: now in this refpea Chri[t our all in all ; he is all in himfelfe , and if · we enjoy him he is all in all unto us; To fee a little into rhe ftate and condition of the Saints in glory in this enjoyment of Chrifl:. ---'- ·- I. They po!fe!fe ChriH: asrheir own; they 30 to Chri!t, and they hy hold on him,faying, thou art mine. It was indeed the language of the Spoufe whilell: yet on earrh; I flm my be!o veds , and m r beloved is m ine; there's a right, and apropriety made over to her in h;:r berrothin? unto Chriit, but after the folemnity of the m,mi1ge is over, th~ polfellion is then ·more full; when once th~ Sf oufe co:nes ro b<:hold Chrill: in his :Kingdome, !he ll).ay then go boldly to her bdoved,and fay, all I fee is my own; I had thee in hope; b:tt mw hope h' vanijhd, and ailua! enjoyment comes in place; !fJ, mw I have thee in my eye, 14nd in my heart, llndinmybands, andinmyarmer; and M nothing jha!lfeparate . U!