Chap. I.Sett.xo Looking unto :Jef 114. Book V. ~ uor m now for all our enemies are trod under foot, fo never will I part with thee fo farre a; to 6e out of my eye, I will ftill 6ehold tl:ee, and in 6e)Jolding I will ftillpojfej[e thee, .for thou art mine. own, 2. They have the ufe of what they po!feife ; and thi~ is an ipfinite good to the Saints ; they iball not onely poilef!e ChriH, but they iball have what ufe they will ofChriH, and of all iu ChriH; they !hall as they-pleafe make ufe ;of his humanity, and of his Deity, of his glorious e!fence, and of his glorious attributes; 0 wonder! that a Saintlhould come to Chri!l·, and fay, OmyLord, thouartmine, and my pleafureu tomak.tufeojthy 11Pifdome, power, and mertJ; and that Chri H: l110uld reply, and fay, welcome[weet foul, ufe me and a/tmyg/?ry a; th1u pleafeft, why thus it is; even as a friend will fay to his friend, mak§ ufe of all I have a; 7our own; fo will ChriH: come to his Saints, and bid them make ufe of all his riches, glory, excellency , even as they will, even ro -the utmofl: that diey are capable of. 3·. They have thefweet and comfort ofall th:!y ufe; and this makes up a compleat enjoyment. In things below we may have the polfeffion of them, and rhe ufe thereof, bur if we have not the fweer and comfort of rhat we ufe, we cannor be f.1id truly or fully to enjoy thofe things; what is the poffet1lon and ufe ofmeat and drink, ifwe tafl:e not the [weer of them ? Hence God is faid to give mall things richly to enioy; no creature can give us richly to enjoy another,one may give us fuch andfuch things wh:!re- · in there may be comfort, but he cannot give us comfort in fuch things, it is onely God that can give us that; it is fo with • 1 he Saints in glory, God gives them all things, yea, ChriH: gives himfelfro them as all in all to enjoy him richly, fully,fweetly, ~o the very utrermofl:. This another w,1y of beholding ChriH:,it Is a fruition or enjoyment of Chrifl:, wherein and whereby he is our all in all. ~· It comprehends all the effe8:s and confequents offuch a beholding of his glory, which are infinite. delight and co;nplacency in the will, and alrpraife and thankfr,ivin_s in the mouths o!his Saints. For the firH:, It is difputed whether eternal hapPUleife be more in the aCl:s of rhe underfl:anding, or of rhe will ? and fome conclude that it is principally in the will, becaufe A aaaaaa 3 that. . ' :..