i · --~------· 110~ Book.V. L#oking unto 1ef t«. Ch~p.l.Sett.z ---- ----------------------------~~------------------~-- Rev s.n. that is an ael:ive appetite, and predominant in a man, indeed the whole ofa man. Oh the joy, delight> and complacency that will arife in the will upon the feeing and beholding of Jefus ChriH: ! they fhall delight infinitely in rhe eOenrial glory of Chrilt, and in the dechredg!Jry ofChrid:; they fhall delight in all that glory rlm'is refle_Cl:ed ~1p01~ Chrilt by all his ~rea_rures in heaven; they fhall 3ehght 111 his prefence, and 111 h1s love, , Chrift is all delights, and how thenl}10ul? th~:r: but_ deli~ht !n ChriH? for rhe fecond, as they dehght In th~Ir Will , fo will their mouths be filled ;virh praites; we read of Saints and AngeL; continually pray(mg God in heaven ; rh en~ lh11l be none of our duties of mourning, falling, praying, bun:.bling ; the aas of patience and jufl.it)·ing fairb {hall ce,1fc in be.1v~n; bl!t rh:: duty ofpraifing, and gloritying Cod will continue to all erernity. Methinks I fee the Saints following the lan~b; methinks I hear the farnili,u converfes betwixt Chrirt and them; as Cbrilt open~ bimfelfto them, for-hey to him; firH,he begim; Oh my deareft Sainu, )OU ar·e they, for whom kefore all time I decred thij· I. ea·ven; and nor:v )OU fee tfe e.\"ecutTOn ~(my decree.r; vvhdei tl e world Hood, I wa,- Hill carry"ng on de wor/z.of )'oUr falv . .tiM, ei- . ther In doing or [ujfering, m· in Jt!cceffive work!, c.pplJ·ing m} doingJandfuJferlngJ, my :;[tiu rmdpajfve obed."ence to}oH-rferJons, and now tf.e world u at an end, )OU fee tl:e end of my -:>.-or!( , and tl:e enc! of }Ottr faith, which is the eternal f.t!vatio;-/ of pur fou!eJ; Oh now I ha1 em} wi(h, and}OU bave p:tr happ;nej]e; !:ereyou and I wi!l!i ve to~~etl: e;' , that I mtt.y for ever beho!d 1'oit, and that you ma} for ever beh?ld me, and n:r g lor}; which no fooner faid, bur methinksi hear all tbofe innumer,1ble Saint<> in heaven to anfwer' W,?rth) istl e L t'mb that WtU Jlain to recie':- e' power , a;1d r:"d e.r, a~td w:Jrdome, and jfrengtl· , and honour, and olen, r:nd b!efl.'nn-, and deref"ore tint? h.:.m that loud 11.', and C:.J ./ jj· C, f' I wafl ed m from our fr.ne.r in hij· orvn blood, and l:atn made tH Kings un:o GoJ and his F atf-e,·, to h im be _'"lory a;td dominien for n er a11d ner. v4 me??. Yea methinks I l~e,u every cre.1 ture in he.Jven f.1y, 6/e/fing , hono!ti',glory,and power be unto h:"m th.?t ftteth on t! e J"frone, and flnto tf..i: Lamb fo;· evu and ever. vfmen. y, by this is their conrinu.1! work in heaven; they lnve nothing elfe to c:o, bur \vith joy and ~ Iadnefle ro fin; fonh the praifes of God, and ofCbritt, and that his mercy endureth for ever. And this