Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z.Seet.J. Book.V. uo3 this likewife is comprehended tinder that notion of the Saints beholding of Chrift, which compleatly makes up the propofi.tion affened, that Christ , or the glory of C hrift,which the Saints jha/t behold to all eternity, is their all 1n all. Thus farre we h.w.e propounded the objea which is 'fefrH ,carrying on the falvation of 'h~s S<!ints in his coming again to eanh, and rakinz rhem up wirh himfelfe and his An_;els into heaven ; our next work is to direCl: you how to loo/z_ tmto Jefr14 in this refpeci:, and then we have oone. ·CHAP. II. SEcT. r. of knowing fefiu as carrying -oti the great WQrk of . our falvatigrJ in his fecond coming. :4~m~~ HAT look_jntT is, andwhatit containes, we have often heard~ and that in rhefe refpecl:s we may holz oa J eftu. . ~ I: let us fz?zow ]efus, carryin3 on the Saints fa!- :varion in his fecond coti1ing, and raking them to he1ven: Many glorious excellent things, many precious yaffage;;, !11alW l:i:?,h and heavenly carriages are in this rranfaetion; Is it not of htgh concernemenr he thJt now fits at Gods rioht hand interceding for us, i11ould thence come again to judge tl~e world, and after judgment take up his Saints with him into glory? can we re,1d of the fever.1l atlings of this general At11ze, and not deflre to read on flill ? nay, is not ·all our readit1g mixt with admiration of erery pafhge ? come ! wonder, and ·fit , and paufe, and rtop, at every word; !l:aycand wonder, and adore dut light, which appears in any bea:11 qf truth, and in the admiration ofthJt truth which doth appear; caB: tby felf down ' atthefeet ofChriLt, and cry out; 0 the depth of glory, and <..JI;[a,efl-y, ·andgoodtiejfe, andgrace in tkee! 0 the rickes of love that thou fl;o11ldrt let o11t thy [elfin thefe fever a! admirable drFfo: ~ ' fations! "'