Looking ut~t9 ~e{fll.. Chap.z.SeCl:. ~ fations ! .come, be exa& in this fludy ·; gather up all the crumbs and filings of this gold; the leafl: beames of the glory of Chrir.: ( efpecially as idhines and glitters at his fecond co min a) have fo_ much light, al:)d love, and fplendour in thet;n, as. that they Wllfbe very fw-!et to look upon th~m: every ptece or part of this knowled<>e will be ofvery f.pee1al u[e and worth, yea the low and imperfect knowledg bf this myHery is of infinite more value than the high and pe.:fe¢.1: knowledge of. ten thoufand things befides. And one rhmg ( 0 my foul) let me tdl thee, . it is poflible for thee to attam a very [weer, and fatisfacl:ory dearee .of this very knowledge. And there(ore ~udy dofe, runn~ over again all that hath been fpoken, and dtg&e yet deeper into that olorious mine ; content not thy felfe Wtth abare difcovery of th~t gold-oare, which is one!y upon the fup~rficies or top of the mine, but oo [o far.re as to tinde out the mward, fpiritual and experiment~! knowledge,which the_Saints by the light ofrh~ Spirit may come to anain. 0 Hudy ChnH in his fecon.d coming ·to judgment. . . ------·----------- SEC To 2. Ofconjidering 'fefm in that rejpect. 2. T Et us confider 'Jefm, carrying on this work offalvation Lr at his fecond coming. It is not enough t() know, but we muf!: meditate and ferioufly confider of it, A meer f!:udent may know Chrill:, and Hudy Chrif!:, as he knowes and fludies other things: he may heap to$ether many notions concerning Chrifl, and his coming to judgment, but he hath no imprellion of the holinefle of C hrif!: upon his heart ; and in this refpe& he is a flrartger to Chrift, and to all his ael:ings; alas, he fludies Chrif!:, but he doth not rightly,' feribully, inwardly confider of Chrifl; he doth not look__unto [efm, as one that looks to his patterne, or as one that looks to his refuge, hope, and help; true . and fpiritual confideration is a ferious matter; its not fome few and fleeting thoughts that are the difcharge of this work, but , thoughts refiing, dwelling , fixing, and Haying upon Chri{t, . ~~