Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z.Secft. t Looking unto 1ifm, BooiV. IIO) unrill they come to fome profitable iffue ; 0 it is anoth~r manner of bulinefie than many_are aware of; it's a thinkins wirh ·thought upon thought; it's a · reiteration and mulriplic,1 tion of the thoughts of rh~ mind upon the fub;ea propounded ; fo rhe Scripture exprefieth it,Ilook.§d on all tl:e work! that my hand"· had. wrought, and in the next verfe, I returned to fee; he lo~k!d upon, Eccle[· t, t 1 .~:. and conjide1ed his works, and he reum,ed to behold them ; he thouoht on them before, bur now he returned to rhink; herenew~dhis thoughts upon the marrer, and took a new view of them. Indeed when the un9erHanding works ferioufly and fpiritnally, ir will fetch things INto fight, and nor onely fo, bur it will hold rheln there, and f~flen upon them, and when they are gone, it will fetch rh~m agam, "!J foul hath them Hill in re-.Lam.J-.: o. membrance, my foulm remernbnng doth remember rhem,. and will not off rill the end be obtained; fo a man eyes Chri!l, rill he hiwe more ofChrill:, more ofhis prefence, and more of his light, and more of his favour, and more of his image. 0 let · rhisbe our work; let w.s,thus confider Jefus in reference to his fecond coming to judgment. And that we may do it in order.- . t. Confider ChriHs preparing for judgment; realize it as if thou fawelt or heard!l: the fame ; no fooner the time determined which God hath appointed, but ChriH: commands, make ready ' ye Angels to wait upon me, and make ready ye glorious foules that now are with me ; iris the Fathers pleafure, and it is my pleafure to go down into the neather world, anrl to call before me all the men and women that ever lived in it ; there will I paffe my doome upon all flefh, and reward every one, oood and bad, according to his works. Oh what a lhout r{{ay I imagine in heaven at this newes ! what joy is in the foules of Saims that now they mu!t go to their bodies, and enter.into them, that both their foules and bodies, which fometimes lived together, may now dwell toseth::r wirh Chriit in glory, and never part more? If thofe that live on earth are commanded by ChriH to lift up their heAJI, bec.1u(~ their redemption draweth nigh; how much more fhall they JOY 111 heaven, who alfo have , wai,ttdfi,Jr the adoptifm, to wit the redemption of their bodies toot Rom.8, Zi· now the long-looked-for day is come, it is come, 0 the' exult:ation of the Saints and Angels at this rydings ! This is worthy a ... B b.b b b bb paute