Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1106 Book.V. Looking unto :_fefus. Chap.~ .Sed. z. . Rev.u.z. . . . ~. paufe, a Set ah to be fe r upon ir. z. Confider Ch ri,ts comin,; to judgment; all now in readi~ nef!i::, rh;.: Sonne of God co~nes forth wirh all his glorious attendants ; for the S orme of mAn jhall tome in the glory ofhu Father wirh hu Angels, and with the foul~s of Saims, that for a time h.we b::en in p,uadife. Oh what agoodly fight is here ! In this meditation I may fee with [obn, the new Jeru{11/em coming down . from qod out of heaven, prepared M a Bride adorned for her huslnmd, Down comes Chrift,_and down come · the Angel~, and.down come the fpirits of the juft made perfeCt ; and as they come a~ . long, fee how they Duke the heavens, and dim, . and dar]{ the very lights of heaven; fee what a flood of fire goes before them; · fee how they paife inro the cloud, where ChriH: makes a fiand, and erects a Throne for himfelf to fit on. Sure 'twill be a guildeel glorious cloud, when Chri[t wi(h all his celellial fervanrs iball fit upon it: amornings cloud guilded with the beames of the Sunne is admirably fm and lhining; but what a lhining cloud is ·that where the Sunne of righteoufneJfe with all his morning Starres do fit and lhine? here's enough <o ·dazzle my eyes, and to take up my thoughts; ·0 .my foul think . enit, · 3. Confider Clirifls fummons of the eleCt: to come under - judgmem ; nofooner in the cloud, but he jha/1 fe•d hu A11'ge/s . with agreat foHnd of 11 Trump~, and they fha/1 g.tther togethe'l' hu eleEl from the foure wiwdes, from the one tnd of heave?~ to angther, . WiU not this b~ a .ftrange fJght to fee ChriH: a coming, with Trutnpets foundmg before h1m, caufing aU the dead to awaken , out of rheir fleepes of deach ? rhe very fom1d o'f this Tfumpet was ever in 'fmmes eares, 11ri[e ye dead and_come to jutJgment, and no quetHon but thy eares lhall be filled Wlth the b1ait thereof; the Trumpet lhall,found th,tt lhall be heard over all the world; and then lhall the dead arife out of their graves; and every saints foul lhall re-enter 1m·o his .own body, by venue of the refur- . teetion ofChritl: their Head. Can I pafi'e this meditation without fome refletl:ion ottmyfelf? 0 my-foul how joyfully·wilt thou greet rhy body, w.hen thou lhalt enliven it again? how wilt thou fay, 0 my dear Sifter, whom I left behind me in du!l: when I wenr to heaven ? ht>w fweet is thy carca£k, how comeJy is thy countenance ? how do I enter into thee, and animate . thee, I