Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

----------------------------------------------- Chap. 2. .Se~. 2. Looking unto fefm, Book V, 1107 thee, and I will never more leave thee; thou wall: my yokefellow in the Lords labours, and my companion in perkcution and wrong ; now·l11all we emer together into our joy ; fee, lift up thy head, ?ehold ] ef~s. Chri!t yond lining in th.! cloud ; and lo here the Angels wamng on us, and coming to take us with the refi: ofSaints into rheaire, to meet our Redeemer there. Could I but realize this fummons, this refurrect:ion, this meeting of the foul and body, and going with the Angels into the judgment-feat, oh how would u: work ! OJ.nd ;yhat work ' would it make within. 4· Confider Chrifl and the Saints meeting at the judgmenc· day; oh how fhall the Saints look, and Hare, and gaze at the beauty of Jefus ChriH: ? oh how will they break out mro admiraation at the firfi:view ofthofe glories which never before appeared on this fide heaven ? Is not this he (will they faJ) ofwhom we read fo often, tb,tt he was fairer than the fonnes ofmen ? that he was white, and ruddy, the chiefefi: of ten thoufands ; that his countenance was as Lebanon, excellenr as rhe Cedars, glorious as when the Sunne l11inerh in his Hrength? but wasever the halftcld us ofwhat now we fee, and behold? 0 th..:: fuperexcellent tranfcendent beauty of this Sunne of ri~.btecufnefie! o the treafures of lovelinelJe in this jefus Chrifi: never feen before ! And thus as they admire, fo they adore ; now they beoin thofe Hallelujahs; that never, never fhall have end; they ?au at the feet ofChriH, and the Lord Chrill: takes them up wid~ his hands, and folds them ~n his annes ; oh rvlm mutual reciprocal falutations are thefe betwi~t ChriH and his members ? oh my head! and oh l11¥ body ! o~ my husbaad!and oh my Spoufe! oh my dear, and oh !J1Y darlm·~ ! never two lovers met with fuch heat oflove as ChriH: an.d his Saints; come, faith Chritl: , andflt you down here a,t my nght hand, a·ad let rhe world be on my left hand ; it was othe.rwife with you in your life-time, my gold and my j~wels were then c~H: in the dult ; you w.::re then doathed wtth mfamy, and ~hevtleH: ?fmen were then guilded with h.onour ; but now I wtll fet all nghr, now the dull: !hall be [wept away, and the jewels of my Kingdome ib.lll b;: gathered up; now 'the Goates fhall be driven into the deGtrt, and you who are the {beep lball be brougbt into my fold. Oh my foul, what a meeting is this? what a fight will this be, to behold the B b bb b b b ~ Saints :