Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

. ' Chap. 2 .Sect. z Looking uut~ !fefttJ, Bookll.. 2 . The things common to the three perfons in that eternity were thofe internal actions ofGod wherein the three p.erfons did communicate : as 1. That one was in another, and poffetfed one another ; the Father remaining with the Son, the Son with the Father , and the Holy Ghofl: in , and with them both , thus P. 8 we rea,d of Chrifl:, theLord pr:Jfcjfed me in_the beginning of his war, J~(!f.·I : :~· before his workfs of old. And, tn the begtnmng was the Word, and J oh.14. 1o~ the Word was with God. And I am in the Father, and the F tither in me. · 2. That one glorified another; the Father glorified the Son , and the Son glorified the Father, and the·Holy Ghofl: glorified both the Father and the Son: And now, 0 Fttther,glorifie Joh.17.r; thou me with thine own [elf, with theglory which I ht~d with thee be- · fore t hewoddw.u. 3. That one delighted in another , the Father delighted in the Son, the Son delighted in the Father, and the Holy Ghofl: delighted in them both; then I was by him , as Prov.S, 30 ; one brought up with him., t~nd I was di!li!J his delight , re;oycing alw.tyes brforehim. I was d?t i!y his delight ,in the Origin~!, defghts intimating that the Son was variety of delights unto his Father: rejoycing ttln•?tyes before him , Chrifl: fpeakes in termes very quaint . and fami liar, alwayes rejoying, q. d. greatly [port ing : it is a Metaphor orumile taken from little ones which fport and play befo re their Parents. 0 fee how the Father and the Son rejoyce in one anothers feilowfbip : nay; fee L1ow they fpend that long eternity before the creation in nothing but rejoycing and delights: T he Father delights in hu Son , and the SonrejO)'Ceth iri hu Father. Confide r 0 my foule, thou haft fometimes had a tickling to know; what God was a doing before the creation ? why nowbe fober, and fatisfied with this knowledge.: God fpent a !I that ti~e (if I may call it time) indelighting h1mfelfin [efus; why th1s was Gods work .to delight in his Son and he {o delighted in him, _that he_ deGr~d no otb e~ pleafure' then the company and behol.ltng of htm; whtch accordmgly he twice told from heaven while Chrifl: was on earth , faying, this is my belov ed Son ;; whom I Rm well pleafed: --in whom I am >veil pleefed. The firfr found was at his Baptifme, M:~t. 3. 17. and the fecond at his. transfiguration, Mat.I7·5· 2. Some other things God was a doino in relation to his creatures; they will fall in a_t ou~ next c?nfid~ration; only this by the way. As God a.nd ChnftreJoycedtn the fruition ofone another N .2 without