Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

---~---- 1 1 o8 Book.V. Looking unto 1eft~!. . z Chap., .Sed. Saints ~n rhi~ cm:dition, and thy fel~ amongfl: them? could[l: rhou bur reahze rhrs one very paff.1ge, rt w.::re enouoh co quench thy ~ufl:~ ~nd to.kinc!le a flam~ ofpl!re love in ~hy h~art toJefus ChnH, rt Isa qurckmng, rouzmg,rariing,re;oynng conlideration S· Confider Chri!Henrencing the Saints for eternal glory ; then l11all the books be opened, and all the good works of the Saints {hall be revealed and made known; and then iliall the }udae from his Throne ofMa;eGy (in the light and hearing of all rfie w~rld ). pron~unce that fentence, come ye biejfeJ . of my Father, mbmt the Kmgdome prepared for JOH f~om the beginning if the world. q. d. Come my Samts, c?'ne With me imo glory; come nov'v from l.tbour to rea, from ~Jfgrace to glory, from the jawes ofde.nh,to the Joyes ofeternal bfe; for my fake y.e have been railecl en, reviled and curfed; but now it iliall appear to all thqfe curfed Efaus, that you are the true {acobs that iliall receive the blellin<>, and blefkd tha.ll you be; come n04'11 and poifeife with me ~he inheritance ofheaven, where you fhall be for love fonnes, for birth-right heires, for dignity Kings, for holine!fe Prie.fis; come, you may boldly enter in, for my Father hathprepared,and kept it for you, ever Iince the firfl: foundation of the world was laid. 0 my foul, doll: thou not remember when fometiines thou baH been at the feet of Chrill: in the beautY. ofholineffe, and there tookell: in rhofe droppings ofhis Spirit, ·which were better £O thee than the feall:s ofKings? doll: thou not remember when fometimes thou hall: had the very beams of light darted from the face of Jefus Chrill:, ~':hen he whifpered to thy foul the fogriveneife ofthy linnes, .uymg, Jtllr nllt, thy ftnnes {hall no~ hurt ther, I am thy {~tlvation ? oh what joy was then? what melnngs, movin"s, H.irrings, leapings of heart were then in thy bofome? but~vas that joy any thing to this? or to be compared with this? chat was a drop, but here's an Ocean, here's fulne!fe of joy ; oh what leaDin ;s of heart, what raviJhments will be within when thou fhaltfee thy felf in the armes of Chrill:, and ilialt re-, c:eive words oflife from the mouth ofChriH, in the face ofaJl the world? wh.1t a thing will this bi!, when Chril~ thall paffe a fentence of death on others, andfpeak words ofl1fe unto thee? when rhoull•alt fee him frowning upon rhe world (and oh tbofe frownes will break the heart) and lhalt behold him fmiling in the