Chap.r.Seet.z Looking unto·fe[t14. the fulne!fe ofhis love upon thy felf ? that Ch ri~l: at fuch a time ihoul.d b~ delighting th<:e with all the imbraces of love,and wirh this fweet invitation to heaven, come thou blef{ed inherit :h~ Kingdo'IJ!e, it we~e enough to fj:>irita foul halfe dead ~ the very medttanon of thrs mull: nee.Js oe·1weer. ' 6. ConfiderChriH and the Saints judging the Fcfl: of the world; no fooner are the Saints .fentenced, but Chriit turnes to the _wtcked, and bids them g9 into everlafting fire ; 'in which fentence rhe Saints J1ull joy'ne with Chri!l: h~mfelf, d9'ye net k,.now that the SAints fb~tll j~tdge the world? 'when·dle Saints appear, )cis not 1 Cor.6.~~ , onely by afummons, !but with. ~olnmitfton.; not onely to b;: judged, but to judge; not onely l11all they {}and at Ch riHs right hand, but they iliall fit down on the Throne of the Sonne 0t God, to juclge the wicked Angels and the world. 0 the torment! 0 the vexation ofwicked men and Divets, .when they ihall fee thofe very men wpom rhey [corned, oppre!fed, perfec~ted, to be now advanced, not onely to' glory, but to be therr judges!it is as if fome Nobleman had wron~ed fome poor man,and thatthe Kin., iliould therefore deliver the Noble man into the power of th~ poor man to take his own revenge;Surely _ the uvgod!y.fba/t fee this, and be grieved,he foa/t gnafh with his teeth Pial. I I 2.10, for indignatim, a11d melt awa1: but on the contrary, the rightecus foa/1 rejoyce when he feeth the vengurnce,he foal/ wafb his footfteps in N 1 8 thebloodof thet~ngodtr. a.$ ,IQ, 0 my foul, dod thoti beleeve this truth? and art thou confident that thou ilialt fit with Chriit on pis very Throne to judge r~e wo~ld ? why then be joyful in affii.stions, exercife rhoo pauence 111 the cenfures and judgments of the world, know theJu f or thy co~nfort that th<:re is a turn and time of judging, and theref6re fay, with meith· a fmalt m~t~er that I fhould 6e ,udged 1 Cor. 9f y(Ju, or ofmans ptdgment , as the ongmal h.uh tt, ~f mans day. 4 · ~· Is it not enough to command patience, if Gods day b<: at hand, when I ihall judae my unjufl: Judges? heark what the Apofl:le faith, 6e pat.'ent brethrentJ.ntothecoming ofthe Lord, behold the hus6andman waiteth for the preciom fru it of the earth , and Jam. f•7 >8>?• hath lonrs patience for it, until! he recieve the early and · latter r~ine ; be jee alfo patient, Hablrfh your heartJ ·, for the coming of the Lwd draweth nij,h, behold · the 'fudge.fiandeth before the door. Comeexercife patience, let the world be judging; if they will needs flander, reproach, and · - B bbbb b b 3 perfecute