Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

- ' IIIo Book.V• <Looking tmto fefss. Cbap.t,Seft.2 Joh·'N· . Re\' .. ~ J . t 8. .pcrfecute thy {oul , they bad better abufe any Judge on earth <than thee : though thou art the pooreft, weakeft, meaneft of Gods Saints upon the earth; they will know one day that they have abufe~ their own Judge in abufing thee. And therefore be thou quiet, filent, patieBt; ·say as '.David, let him Alone, ana It~ him cwrfo,yea, let him judge, (or the Lord hath bidden him; it m.a1 he the Lord wiD look._on mine 11jfii£1ion, an.l wiO rrqnite goodfor !Did judging thu day; rhi& uhu d~ty; bHt the da1 of the Lord u m1 tla1 , ana then /hAll 1 fit with Cbrift pn h~ Throm to'judge the worla. Oh· the fwect that I may fuck from tbis honey·comb, ofChrift and his Saints judging the world ! 7• Confider Chrift and his Saints going up into heaven; No fooner hath he done his work with the world, & Cent them away, but then he £hall conduct all his flock like a faithful Shepherd tG their fold ; then lhall he go with all his troops following him into heaven. Hath not.Chrill: faid fo? if I go awa7, I wiO ctJme agailf , and rece1ve you nnto m1 {elf, that where I l'lm , there 1ou ma1 he al(o. 0 thofe .fongs of joy , and !bouts of -praife that will fill the world at that day ! And thus as they go ato~g, heaven opens unto them, and. rhey enter in; what well-comes they have there is paft my telling; if we may im-agine, and guelfe, 0 the welcome that Chrift will give ! Come mr fPoufe , 4nd come mJ de11r, come ,a m7 SAintJ ; here be thofe mllnjiom th4t I went heforeto prepare, 11nd make ready for yo14, her-e /Je tho{e everlafling habitAUDnJ 'Wherein you 11nd 1 wiU dwe.D togetllr; here U]iJur Father~kot~fo, the building of the W11,ll u alt of ?aJPer. ,-tmd rt.he ~urfl piecuf41 i6 4/J of pure gold, !if<! emto clear glafJe; why tloi1 u Jour lJome, your hou(e made without h~tndJ , h~re you and I 'WiD JP-ena our time, ettrnitieitfelf, ;n jOJing, mjo]ing , And /;eholding oftllch other. And as thus Cbrifi: tes them, fo will the Angels~ thofe created citizens of hi:avtn falute them too , for if joy be in heaven at the converfion of 'One firmer, what joy will there be at the glorificarion ofall thefe Saints? what welcome entertainment will t11e Angels give to thefe new guefts at their fir fi: entrance into heaven? 0 my foul, if thou art ane of them that 1halt llave this welcome, what wilt thoufay when"thou art admitted in thither, if weeping were in heaven wouldft thou not weep for joy? . •fur.e