Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1113 Book.V. J.ooltlng ,mto ft[t~s. Cbap.t.Se4t.7. And hence the beholding of Chrill is the All in all to hisglorif!ed Saints~ this was Chrifis prayer, Father I wi/J that thofe Joh.If. 14 , 'Whom thoN haft giflen me, /11 with me where I am, to.what end? that thq may behold mJ gl~r]· Chrifis heavenly prefence is confpicuo~s , he is not prefent as fome things that arc not feen, and yet are prefent, but his prcfence is, or certainly it {hall be confpicuous to all his Saints, when be was in the world his glory was covered under a mean outfide 1 he was like a brighE light in a dark Lantbern, & there were very few that knew him then ; but in heaven he flull be as a cabinet opened, or as the I Joh.P · Sun in his full glory , .,., foa/1 k._no-w him til WI are 4nown, And· behold him f•ce to face, we fo,J/ (ee _him .u he i1, Nor onely will he be confpicuous, but his prefcncc thall be vital; a fione may be with us, and feen dearly , bat thcr's little in the fight of that; in the beholding of Chrifi there will be an a·cting_ of kindnefs u.pon the Saints , there wil.l be vifions with life and dear refrcfhlng; 0 the influences that the fight ofChrifi wiU have on his Saints in heaven ! nor onfly will -he be confpicaous and vital, but his prefence thall be fixed; he thall abide with the Saints, .that tbev may for ever bcbold .him. Oh i£ there was fuch running after Cbrifi in this world, fome getting on bills, arid ·others on trees,tha_t they might behold him wbtn he paffed by,what will the: fight of Cbrifi in heaven be,y,rben be thall be alwaies in the eie ~f hi~ Sa!nts , an~ never out of fighe; when they (ball be alwates vu!Wtng of htm, and be. alwaies fatisfied with tbal view? nor onely will be buonfpicuou~. vital, Revel. u . 4 •S· fixed, but his 1.Yery pr.efence iliall transform; .they fo_all{ll hi~ , face,- Ana they foallwgn [1r: ef.ler, .tml tfler. 0 the tnfiuence of this fight ! it is of fuch a transforming nJcure, fee the King will make Kings ; thi_~vilion of glory amounts unco·a fruition of glory, if cveuhou art a fpectator o,f Chrifi-,_thou art fore to be a partaker of C~rift i.n.all his glory. 1 foalt;!l« F[ai.I7·1 S'· fatisfied, whe" 1 4'111ak/ with thy IJk.!n,fs. It doth Hit yet appear 1 Joh.p. JJJhAt JJJI fh•ll bejbutwe k.,n1w thAJ ·'When ht.foall appear, we ft;a/161 li~e him; and why fo? for 'We foal/ f~e him'~ ht u, And no wonder, for if the imperfect beholding ofbls glory in the glalfe of 1 Cor ,1 ;.a z. his Gofpel changi the foul into the fame im•ge from gl~ry to glory; how much more thai! the full view of his glory in heave11tranf· forw_both cbe fouls ~ bodi~s of inu into a fulncfs ofglory? . Herq