II 14 Book V. Looking rmto ::fe{tz,s. Chap.2.Seet.3 Rev,u. 17 . inberfaithcome, theSpi~itandthe?Jridefaycome. Yea ·the R,om. 8.:.•, 13 , whole creation faith come, Waiting to be deLivered f;o:n the bondflge o( corruption into the glorious./ibflrtJ of the Sons ofGod; and not one/7 thq, 6ut our (elves flljo which. havl·the fiNI-{rt~its of the Spirit , even we our felvn gr04n Within our [elves··, waiting for the adoption, to wit the redemption of our bodJ• Oh that we could groan ! oh that we could come up tO'· this high pitch , even to ligh out , not our breath , but our fpirits ! even to groan out, not fome vapours, but OUt' hc:arts! I know it is fuitable to flelh and blood to tremble at the·· Acc.: 4:r. tboughrs of j.udgement, When P auf m•foned of righteot~fneffe, temperance, and of judgement to c1me, Felix trembLed. WeakChrifiians as well as heathens m'ly have many terrible fancies· and notions of that day; Ob to think ofa time, ""hen there jJMlt' be 11gre11t earthquak!~Whm the Sun foal/ btcome lltack_as jet,arul the Moon red IU 6/ood, when the Sears of lmwen fot~ll fail, and when the HeaYenJ themfelveJ {hall depart IU a[croll; · When thtJ T,.~~mpet fhali found, .that will fha~e the t4rth,t~nd evWJ Mountain Rev.6. u ,' Ana ljland /hAll be m11vea out oftheir placn; when the Kings of the 1 3,14, earth, 11nd the gre11t men, and the rich-men, ana the chief Captain1 . ,15,r6, and everJ_ bond(-Pf!an, 4nd ever1 free-man /hAD hiJe themfeives i~ ~_7, . the dens, Ana in the rocks ofthe mountains,andfbal/faJ to the rock1 and to the mDUt~tlflins, faO on U4, and hide UJ from the face of him that /itteth on the Throne ,andfrom the wrath ofthe Lamb,for the-· gre-at daJofhis wr>ath u come,and who P,aO be able 111 /land! wil4 it not be terrible? if the people were fo afraid when·the Lord' came without fucb attendants to give the Law upon Mount Sinai ; certainly much more terrible mull: fuch a coming in this· manner be, when he !hall come like'an revenging Judge to take an account of the world for the_keeping·, or forthe breaking of that Law. In this refpeer, 1 wonder not at fome weak Chriilians, that cry.out, 0 Lord thou kmwefo, that l have no-t defired thifwoful d1.J; A wife Jew was W.ont to fay, from a deep fore· fight of terrour of this day, thi Mt(flah will com!, bur-Lord lee me not '- live to [te his coming. Now co conquer this. fear, and to abste · fuch fhviJb terrour.in fuch fouls , oh that they would confider it in the whole notion of it, not onely as it ihall be a. day of · black::