Ghap.z.SeCl:.J Book V. 1115 blacknefs and of terrour,but as it Jbal alfo be a day ofrefi and of releafe. Some are apt to take it up in the half notion of it, they look on it onely as a day ofjudgement, and a day ofcondem· nation, and fo they fly fro£!! it as from a ferpent; but if they would take it up again ; and look on the other fide,:the ferpent . would be turned into a rod, The day which will be fo dreadful to the ungodly , and the beginning of their mifery, it wil'l be as joyful to the Saints, and the beginning of their glory. But in what refpea is this day of Chrifi. fo defirable a day? I anfwer, in thefe particelars;--- . ' J . It is a day of refrefhing, here the Saints w-ork in a Fur- ACl: .J. 19 ; nace, hh fire i4 ;n Zion, and hi1 furNace in ;erN(11lem; but Chrifi lia 3 r ·'I• in his fecond coming (when all the world lhall be on fire) flull fan wind (as I may fay) on his Saints to cool them; to the wicked it is an hot day, a day ofeverlafiing burnings, but to the Saints it is a day ofcooling, quickning, reviving, andre. frefhing. · 1. It is a tfAJ of reftoring of all thilf'gJ. Every creature is ACl: 1 , now in it's worll:·day drelfed, all defiled with fin , but at that · · u . day there lhall be a refiitution of all things ; all the diforders and ruines which fin hath brought into the world fhall then b11 repaired, and man bimfelfwhofe fin is the caufe of all,fhall then be refiored to his original glory, 3· It is A da1 of the manifeftation of the Son1 ofGod, Then Rom.s,19 ; lhall it b~ known who are true Saints, and who are reprobates; here we live in confulion, and in our mo!l refined Churches (if we have none fcaadalous)yet we may have many hypocrites~ and we cannot difccrn them 1 bot in that day it fhall be known who are the Lords, and who are not ; the hypocrite fhall then be unmantled_, and the fons of God fhall -lhine and glitter ll the Sun, that all may run and read, theft tire Goeil Eletl; thefe lfrt the So1;1 and<lJaughttrl of the Almighty. 4-. lt is the d<~y of adoption and of the redemptioN of our bodin.It is Rom.S; 2.3, the day of our fonfhip and deliverance ; I deny not but that the Saints are adoptlld and redeemed before this day ; but this adoption & r~demption is not confummate, nor declared before -Chrifi come again to judgment,then it is that he takeshis Saints '< home to his houfe, and all the Angels and Men of the world C c ccc c c: 2 - Clull ..