lii6 BookV. Looki11g rmto:fefru. Chap. I .Sed. 3 ~----------------------------------------- Collof3.... !baH u'nderftand the love wherewith he loves them ; then !h1llChrift fay, the(~ are my fo~J whom I have r~dmn~d, 1!11d ~ I h,•ve ftt thtm free, (o mw fha/J the]. ~ive and rtign '11'.ith mefor ever and t'fltr. 5 It is the day of Chrif11 coming .He not long Iince t~aya,iJing about the earth, and about our bufinefs, which doq;, he went away to heaven upon a fpecial errand for his Saints : and there no~ he i~- to interced~ f~r them, t9 attend the C<~urt, to be the1r Ad vocate, and to ag1tate the bufinefs o~ their foult; and with;JII there now he is to take up lodgins for them,' and to prepare them m11nfions for-eternity; And no fooner !hall be have difpatcht bi• bufinefs there, but h~ will come for earcfi aga\n, h~ will bowc; t~llcheav~ns and comedown to give a re• port of his cranfactions there; hl\th he, not left us . a Letter to that effect? J. will (.4me ag~Jin, All~ rective 7,ou te mJielf, thfiP. ~t>here. I •m, there you liMY be al(o. 0 why are his chariots lo long a coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots? · 6.It is tht ail] DfChr)Jis revt.~ling; Chrill to mmy of his Saints here is hidden and witbdrawen; it is true, he may be in them, yea, certainly he ~sin t:heQl by his Spirit, but no man knows it, no nor themfelves neither, which makes them cry, 0 where is he wpDm m1 (oul/pv.e!h ? bu~ at this day of Cbrifis reve!ling, all coartains !h1ll be drawn artde , Chrifl, finll be unbid ,;u1d the Ssin-ti {lull fee him fa.ce to fai:e, they G-u.ll Qever lofe biro more; for without a,ny intermiffion t·hey (hal flare, and g.a:z;e, and be. ever lo1kjng unto {tfHJ. · 7.It is the da1 ofChriftJ bright & g/orio~t~ appt4ring:wben be wa~ upon the earth hc ,appeared in our drdfe, maoy then taw hi'm , who chen faid of him, th(re is np beaur je i~ him_ that wtJb.ould de fire him ; oh it was a f1d fight to fee him crown~d with thorai2 and fcourgccl with whips, and nailed co1tbe crolfe; but in his next appearing we lhall fee him in his bell attire, arrayed in white, attended with the retinue ofglory, ri ding in hi; chariot O-f light, and fmiling upon all his Saints. Now is no t this defireable ?The ApofHe eels us of the Saints look.'ng for thegloriotH appeAring of t he great GQJ, 11nd of our S11uio11r [e(HJ CbrJfl.. therefore flilrely they defire it. 8. It is the day of Chrifts joy. Then ht fo<~ll fet of the. travail . 4