-·--------··-··-· --..... --· , Ch3p. 1 .Scd-.3 Look.ing unto :Jef tU. B:>ok V. III7 ' t~fhi1 (out, and he fh:tll be (atiJ~rd. N•n• what i; the eravail ofhis foul ? is ic not the perfeCl ion of his redeemed one; ? oh when Chriil {eerh this, when he feeth bis fpoufe !§ without fpot, or wrinkle, then.Gull be fulfilled that prophefk, .u the I fa.6q. Bridegroom rejJyceth over the Bride, fo fh~llthf Goa rtjoyce over thee , look how the joy of a Bridgroom is over his Bride upon the wedding-day (Curely then if ever, all is love and joy; fo is Chrifis joy over his S1ints at the !all: day; then b~gins that joy that never, never Clull have end, there lhall be no moment of time wherein Chrifl: Will not rej()yce over his S1inrs for ever afrer. 9· It is the dil) ofChriflsptrfeaion; ' Chrifl: as Mediarour is not fully perfeCt till all his members be in glory united to him ; As an head that wants an arm, or hand, or Iegge, we fay is lame; fo it is a k•nd of myfiical Jamenefs that Chri!l: our head hath not with him all his members; the Saints are little pieces of myfiical Chrifi, and it fhalt not be well till Chrifl gather in his arms, and tbighes, and pull them nearer to himfdf in glory: and is not this defirable to fee the Lord J efus Chn!l: as Head of the Church in his perfection ? to tee the StHt of righteoufnefs with every beam united to him? 0 defir<i!ble day! to. It is Chrifts flltdd;ng·rliiJ, or tloe marriag-(-rl<l'f of the Hof.:.x 9, Lamb. The Saints are betrothed to Chrill: when fir!l: they beJeeve in Cb vifl: ; th1t is Chrills word , I will betrol h thee n:eto C:~nt.f,IO, me,& thou art my fi(ier, my fP~ufe, not my wife; thou ut not yet married, onelycontrad:ed bert'\ but at tbat day the muriage of the Llmb wil be compleat, and then will the voice be heard, let fiJ be glt~J ilnJ rejoyce, .tnd give honour to him,for the iltarri4ge Rev.J9.7· oft he L4mb i1 com~, ana hiJ ~ife h;~th m.1dt htr fd( re,rl], 0 the joy thaJ: Chrift, and Saints, and Angeli, and all that belong to heaven will make at this:marriage! 'Bltffed are theJ thllt ilre c11l· led into the Marriage-(upptr of the Lamb, One of the feven Rev. u. 9· Angels th~t came to John in vifions, talktdwith him, (ayin!{, Come hieher,and I fllillthuv thu the 'Briae, thz LilmbJntife.lft.he e(poufed Virgin be willing to be married , bow is it that we cry not, Come Lord [e{us, come quick!J? 1 r, It is Cbrifis day of prelenting his Saints unto his Fa·· thn; he delivtrJ np the K;ngdam~ to GadJ even the Father. Then I Cor.f . ti~ C c_c c cc c 3 fhall