uzS Book v. Cbap.z.Sett.3 Rev,r. ) ,6. {hall he take his Bride by the hand and bring her to his houfe, and prefcnt her in all fiace and folemnicy to the Father. h not this a defirable day? furely Chrifi rejoyceth , and his very heart even fprings again to prefent his Church unto his Father, F11ther, htre"behold m7 'Bride, that 1 have married unto mJ {elf.. It is true, a childmay fometimes marry fuch a one, as be may be afhamed to think of b1inging to his Fathers houfe; but how mean and finful foever we are of our felves, w~en once we are marries uncoChrifi, he will not chink it any dilhonour; no not before his Father, that he bath fuch a Bride : F11ther (will he fay) lohere11D m} S11int1, of all that tho11 haft t,ivenme,I have loft none ' bNt the chi!aren of perdition, thefe are mine, dear/] bought, thou ftnowefl the price, 0 welcome them to glory. 12. It is the day of Chrifls glory. What glorious defcripcions have we in Scripture of Chrifis coming to judgement ? the Son of Man {httll come from hllfvtn '"'ith poWer An~grettt glory, and the work no fooner done, but he fl:lal return again into heaven with power and great glory. Not co mention the efkn· tial glory of Chrift, 0 the glory of Chrifi as Mediacour; all the glory that Ahafbuerm could put upon his favourites was no- · thing to this fpiritual and heavenll' glory, which the Father will pttt upon the Son ; it is a glory above all the glories chat ever were, or ever ilia! be; ic is an ete'rnal glory; not but that Chrifi {hall at lafi give up his Kingdome to his Father ; he ilia II no more difcharge the ath of an Advocate, or interceffor for us in heaven , onely the glory -of this fhalt alwayes continue; it !hall to all eternity be recorded that he was the Mediatour, and that he is the Saviour that hsth brought us co life and immortality, and upon this ground the tongues of all the Saints !hall be imployed to "all eternitie to celebrate this glory. This will be their everla!ling fong, unlo him thttt loved m , 11nd 'Wafbed m frrJm our {in1 in hu own blood, and httth mttde m King1 and Prieft1 unto God Ana hu FAther, to him 6e glorJ and dominion for ever lind ever, ~men. Now is not this a delirable thing? do we beleeve there is fucb a thing as Chrifl:s mediatory glory, and Chrifis effential glory ? as Chrifis humane glory,and Chrifis divine glory? and have we no de fires to behold this glory? furely Chrifl: himfelf defired it of God, he wonld have his Saints with him where he is1tbat they · · · · - · might