BookV. · Looking utJto 1e[t14. Chap.z.Sect 3 Heb.,?.u. Jch.J 3. o( good! hings to come ; hope is an ad: of the will extending it felf towards that which it loves as future; onely the future good as it is the objetl:ofhope is difficult to obtain, and therein it differs from defire; for ddire looks at future good without " any apprehenfion oJ difficulty 1 but hope refpcth the future good as it is gotten with difficulty. hopes that will not be inufe of means, though difficult, are not true hopes, we fee many defirable things fet before us, of which we may fay, Oh that lH had our PA"t ana portion of them! but {hall we go on, and fearch and find om the truth. whether we have any part or portio1,1 in them?or any whether we have any hop~s of any fnch things? oh this i& worthy our pa ins!come then, let us yet make a further progrelfe, let us not on ely Jejire that it maJ be thll4 awd fo; but let us fay, on Come fure and certain grounds, We hopt it iJ thiU ana (o; \\'e hope Chrift wiU come ag11in, and receiv1 111 lo himftl{, tht~t )16erl he id, thert WI may be aljo. Indeed there is the Chrifiians fiay ar.d comfort ; fuch an hope is a(ure Anchor, that will hold the Ship in a £l:orm; one· ly becaufe our fouls lie upon it, we bad need to look to it that our hopes be true; the worll: can fay, thiJ hope to be Javed .u we/J .u the beft, but I fear the hopes of many will be lamentably fru"' flraced. Our saviour brings in many pleading with confidence at the !aft day for life, who fuall be rejed:ed with miferable difappointment; rmznJ /hall fay to me Anhat day, Lord,Lortl,&c. Ar.d I will con(ejJe an to them, J never knew them, depart {rom nu. Now to clear this point\. that our ho{les are of the right ftan:ip,and not counterfeit hppes, I fualllay down fome fignes, whereby we m1y know that Chriils coming is for us • and for our good, and for the grace that is to be given us at the revela· tion of J efus Chri{f. 1. If we are born ag1i·n , then will his glorious coming be to glorifie us; Bleffid be the God and Father of our Lora Jefns Chrifi, who 11ccording to hu abtmdant mtrC) hath begotten us ag11in unto 11/ivel] hope 1 to an ;nhrritAnr:e incorrHptible. Who.foever hath the true hope of heaven, he is one that is begotten again; fo our Saviour, except a mt~n be born again, he cAnnot (te the King ,/,mt of Goa. Mmy things may be done, as Herod hear a John 1h1 1Japtift, and diel man1 things, but except a man be born agaiN , thofe mar<J thin-gs are in Gods account as nothing. · When