Chap. 1 .Sect 4· ~ . - Looking unto 1efus. BookV. lUI When Peter had told Chrifl:, that he and bjs fellow-difciples had forfaken all, and followed him, then fefuJ [iiid, verily I (a7 - untoyou, thAt]t Which have followed me in the regeneratio111, when Mat.I9,'l~. the Son of man (hall fit in tbe Throne t~[hu glorJ,1t /halt alfo fi.t up- ~n t~elve thronn,judging the t'Welvt Tribes of lfrael. q. d. Peter, you have forfaken all,and followed me, but know that bare forfaking is not enough, but you who have felc the work of God regenerating your fouls, upon which ye have followed me, ye (hall fit upon twelve Thrones. In thofe who are alive at the I aft day there will be a change, and this change will be to them inftead of death; beht~la I fo~'W JOn a mJftery, 'We foal/ not aU jlup, 1 Cor. 1 S· r 1 ; hut we fo-tllt~!t be changed. Certainly in thofe who at the !aft day lhall fit on Thrones with Chrift , there mull: be a change likewife in this life; (i.) a newfpint, and a new life muft be put into them : Oh what a change is this ! fuppofe a r&tional foul were put into a beaft, what a change would be in that creature ! f1.1ppofe an angelical narure were put upon us , what a change would there be in us? oh but what a change is this . when a man is born again of water and of the fpirit ; I muft tell you tllat the highefl degree of glory in heaven is not fo different from the loweft degree of grace here , u the lowell degree of grace here is different from the bighefl: excelfency of nature here; becaufe the difference betwixt the higheft degree of the glory of heaven , and the loweft degree of grace is onely gradual, but the difference that is betwixt the lowcft degree of grace an-d the highefliexcel!ency of nature is a fpecifical difference. Oh there's a migbtie work ofGod in preparing fouls for glory by grace,& this change muft they have that mult . fit on Thrones. Come then, you that hope for glory, try your felves by this; is there a change in your hear_ts, words, and lives? is there a mighty work of grace upon your fpirits ? are you experienfl: ·in the great myftery of regeneration? why , bere•s your evidence; that your hopes are {ound , and that you lball fit upon Thrones to judge the world. 2. If we long for his coming , then will he come co fatisfie · our longings. BleJfed are they that hunt:tr and thirfl, for they {hall be fatiJ/ird; how fatisfied , but in tieing faved? Chrifl 'WM f/ftred to bear thefinJ of m•mJ, and unto them th111 look./or him Heb. 9 ,18. Ddddddd fod