Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

IIU BookV. Looking tmto:fefeu. fh•l h1 appeAr the Jccond time n:irhout fin to (~tlvation ; unto the,m thai: look for him, or long for him, flull he appear the fecond time unto fah a:ion ; It is very ob{e~v~ble,how this /o~kingf~r {hri{J,ts tn Scrtpture a frequent defcnpuon of a true beltevcr tn Cbrift. Who are true, fincere, and found Chrifi:ians, but fuch u live in a perpetual defire :tnd hope of Chrifi:s bldfed com- :r.Peq.u. ing? they are everlookingf~r, tmdh~{ling unto the coming of the d•J of God. ldere are two fignes tn one verfe, look,j_ng for, an~ hafling unto; true beleevers are not onely in a poilure looking for the coming of J efus Chrift , but alfo , as it wae going forth to meet J efus Cbriil with burning Lamp,, Luthe; could fay,that be w.u no trNeChriflian,neither could he t~u!J recir 1 M~tth 1h1 LoraJ prayer , tha~ 'With all hU heart defired not tb/4 d11] of the c~ming o{Chrift. It ts true, that whether we wil or no , tha.t day will come, but in the Lords prayer Chriil hath taught us to pray that God would accelerate and haflen the day of his glorious coming, thy Kingtlorne come; (i.) the Kingdome of glory a.t the judgement , as well as the Kingdome of grace in the Church. It is true alfo th:J.t the day of the Lord is a tcr· rible day, the Heavens, and Earth, and Sea, and Air lba1 be all on a bone· fire, and burn to nothing, neverthelefJe we accord· ,ing to his promife look_Jor new lotll!flenJ , and a neW earth; we that have laid hold upon God; and laid hold on him by the right handle, according to his promifts, we look for this day of the Lord, ru look for it , and hafien unto it, we are glad it is fo near, and we do what we can to have it nearer, with an holy .kind· of patience- we beg of the Lord , Come Lord [e(u, come " ~J·Uitkly. This was Paul's character; we k_now that the whole . creation groaneth , Alia traveUeth in pain together until now• ltom . S . ~,, ~3. and not onely they, but our (elvn alfo, which have the firfl~!ruit~ ~ of the Spirit, even we our[elves groan 'Within our (elves waiti11g for the adoption, to wit the redemption of our bodies; Gods childr-en, fuch as have the firll-fruits of the Spirit, the beginnings of true faving grace in them , they conftantly look and long for the day C?f full deliverance, or of the coming of Chri!t. This the Apoflle infiancetb in his Corinthians, ye come behind ~ Cor, I .'l· in no gift, Wlliting for the coming of our Lord {efns Chrift.; and in like manner he writes to hts Philippians , our con' Phi! . 3 •. ~o. , 14. in hettven, -fro11J Wh(nce a/fo, We look.for 1he SaviQflr , the-lord lt/114