Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

BookV. Looking unto1efus. Cbap.I.Sect, 4 ------~--------------------------------------------- Matth.zr.n. ~4·35· 3'· impr~ffions) are, Surel1 1 come quicklY; and the !aft anfwer that is made in our behalf, is, Amen, t'Vtn Jo come Lord Jeftu. I know this Charad:er is ncar the former, and Jherefore 1 fhall palfe i't over. 4• If our works be good, then will he reward us accordino to our works. At that great day thi~ will be the trial, works'? or no works? then wilt ht(A] to them 1111 hi1 right hand, Come 1~ /Jlej[ed ofmJ Father 1 inherit the Kmgdome prepared for yott,for I JM4 an hungrea, and ye gave me meAt; I JII/U tbirft7 ,andyegave me Jrink.,; lw44 a fir anger a,,Jye took,_ me ill, l'Jtlktd .md Je clollthtd me, 1 was ftck a»d ye vijiteti me, I WM in prifon, and yecame 11nto nu. Here were works, upon which followed the rewards of heaven, for thefe went into eternal /ife.I know work• are not meritorious and yet they are evidences ; I know works without faith ar~ buc gliflring fins, and yet works done in faith are figoes, and fore• runners of eternal glory ; I know that if all t4e rxcellencies of all tlJ'e moulities of all the men in the world were put together , thefe could never reach glory , and yet acup ofcold water gi'llen to ont of Chrif/slittle onn in the name of a 'Difciple _ ... of Chrifi fha/1 not lofe Its reWArd. 1f a Chriflian doubt, how RS!ttfi,IO•l4, h fhould I know that my works are of a rig r fiamp. · I anfvv,er, I . Look at the principle, is there not fom~:thing above nature? do I not find fome riew light let out by God , that thews a glory ,and excellency, and beautie in good works? is there not fome-thing in me that makes rhe fame to be fvveet, or pleafant, or agreeable to me ? 2 . Look at the end ; natural works have no better end than fdf and creature-refpells ; but in my works is there no aim at fomething higherthan felf? whar ~verI do 1 is not this in mine eye, that all I do may tend to the honour and glor¥ ofGod? I had need take heed of vain-glory, & felf-applaule; the godly at the day of judgment do not know the good works they did; if my aim be at God I fhall forget my 'felf,as if all I did were fwallowed up in God ·3 Look at the manner ofmy doing works : v~~ah had a good intention, but his work was not good, becaufe the manner was not good; are my according to rhe rule? ·do chey carry a conformitic to the L11w ofGod? let every man trie hu>ork in this; 0 my foul. bring thy works to rhe touch-flone, the Scripture, the Rule of £Oodncrs,is not althy gold eben difcovered to be drolle?tbe Scripture