Cb:tp. t.Secr.4 LfJoking unto ::fef tu. Book V. IU5 ture doth not only rell of works, but tells us the manner of performing them; as for in!lance, if rightly done, they mull: be done in zeal, in fervency, in activity; thus Gods people are ~a fled <~peculiar people, ~tt1lom ofgood work..f, a form31, cultoma• ry, fuperficial performance of holy works fails .in c.he manner of performing them : what, are my works performed in zeal? is there not too much ofcoldnefs, emptiners formalicie in all I do? why, thus may I know whether my works are of a right fl:amp; cert3inly all works, duties, actings, which are not done by agracious heart, tbrougb a gr~cious power, to a graciou11 end, in a gracious manner, arc fins, and not fuch works as llull have the rewards of heaveQ. Scme may object, this an hard faying, who then .flnll be faved ? I anfwer, I. By conee Ilion, very few; ~t~hat u the whole company of (hriflians, bejidn a verJ few ( fa1d Sa/vian) but 11 fink__ of vim? are rhey onely good wo1 ks which arc thus and thus qualified ? it were enough to make us all fear all the works tbat ever we have done. But fecondly, here's all our hope , that in a Gofp'el-way Chrifl: looks at our good works in the truth of them, and not in the perfection of them; no man goes beyond Paul, who who; he \\l&uldR 7 .18 do good,[o11nd n.1il puflnt with him: Alas, there is a perpetual op- om. ' 19' pofition and confLL't betwixt the fldh and the fpirit, (o that the moft ' fpiritual man cannot do the good things he would ' do; and yet we rnufl: not conclude, that nothing is g<:>od in us, becaufe noc perfectly good. Si ncerity and truth in the inwardpam may in th!s cafe, hold up our heaw from finking; as ht: tn the Gofpel wed , I be/uw, Lord help my unbelief , fo if we can but fa_y, I do good works , Lord help me in r he c!mcurrmce of aO needful circumflanco, here will be our evidence char. our hopes are found, and that Chnfl: will fentc:nce us co eternal life. Come ye blefJtd,&c. and why fo? for I wtU ~tn hungrrd, 11nd ]t g11ve me meat, &c. S· If we believe in Chrifl', then Jball we live wi th rhrifl:. if we come to him and receive him by faHh, then will he com; again 1 lind receive ru tohimfelf, tlf~t where he i.t, there we may be al(o. Good works are good evidences, but of aU works tho(e of rbe Gofpel arc cleareft evidcr:c;e, and have clearefi _promife,s; come then, let us try ou r obedience to the Commandements of faith, as well as ltfe; let us try our fubmiffi on D d d d d d d 3 . to