Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

·I 126 BookV. Looking uf.ltQ 1e(ra. Cbap.:z.Se.S:. 4 John P4·. Heb,I o, 39• l John 5· q. !0 the Lord by beleevin3, as well as doing. Surely the greatefl: work ofG~d that ever any creatur~ did, it is this Gofpel -work; · when it apprehends its own unworthinefs, and ventures it fd f & .its efhte upon the righteoufncfs ofJefus Chrifr: if we were able ·tO perform a full,exad,&lccurate obedience to every particular ofthe moral Law,it were not fo great a work, oor Co acceptable to God, nor !11ould be fo glorioul1y rewarded in heaven, as tbis one wurk ofbelecving in bisSon Jc fusChrift.This i~ the workto which in exprdfe tcrms.falvation,heaven, & glory is promifcd, he that btleeveth 010 the Son hath everlafling life,& he thAt heareth mJ word.s,&bdievnh on him that /tnt me,hath everlafling life, & fhall not come into conJrmnatiun, bid he hath paf[ed. from dta th to bfe.--And this is thewill ofhim that {elit me,chat every one that feeeb the Son, ana helteveth on him may have everlafling life . -- ~na rhe{e things ~J~re Written thAt )t miglit beluve that Jefm is Chrift the Son of God, 1111d.th11t beieevingye might have /,fe through hu name. -73eluve or1 the Lord Jefm Chrijr, and. thou fiMlt be Javed.- And if thou {halt con(eiJe with rhr momh, the Lord. JejUJ, ;~nd. {halt believe;, thine heart that God hath rai{eJ him from the dea a, thou jhalt be [ave a.- And we are not of them who draw hack. unto perdition, but nf :hem that believe t~ ;qt o the fa ving of the f~ul.--0Hd che(e things have I Writtt~ llniO you that believ e on the ~'l ame of the Son of God' tha• ye may knoW that re have ever laflin&life. Why.this above dl is the Gofpel-wurk , to which are aone_xed thofe grac·ous pro· Rom.~ · 5 · Hcb.6.xr. raifes of eterml life. So that tf we beleeve in Chrift, how may we be affured that we fh alllive with Chrifl:? 0 my foul, g ~ ther up ~ 11 thefe ch3 raC\er s, and try by them. Every one can fay, that they hope well, they hope to be faved, they hope to meet Chrifl: with comforc,though rhey have no ground for it ~uc their awn vlin conceits; buc hope dn godd ground is th1t hope rbat mak,:th Mt afb .~ rne; fay then, art thou born agai n?doft thou !o0k and long lor the comir g ofChri11 in the cl ouds? dofic hou love his ~ ppeanng ? <m thou rich in good works, r<-ady to diUribu te , willio8 to communicate? dofi thou obey the Command ~roents of fa ith as well as life? fure tb : fc are firm , and found, and comforta ble grou nds ot an affured hope. Content not thy felf with an hope of poffi 'Ji!ity, or projHibllit)'; but reach out to that p\erophory, or fu!l4f{ul ~nee of hope; tb~; hope of poffibil icy is but a weak hope, the hope of probability is