Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Looking unto 1efus. :Book II. 93 .£OOd things freely witho~t defer.t; !Jere then is the great defigne which God from everlafimg earned on, that the glonous effence of his fn:e-love , f. ee-grace fhould b~ efpecially manifeiled to his Saints,that fo they might admire it, efreeme it, honour it, and found forth the praifes of it. All the other defignes of qod were . but fubft>t"Vient unto this. Some reckon up thr;:oe great defignes of the Almighty in communicating himfelf, as r. The glory of his Saints. 2. The glory of Chrift. 3. The glory of himfelf , and efpecially the glory of his grace. r. That his Saints fhould be glorious, and ro that purpofe he made heaven and earth, and hemakesthemLordofall, allthii!gsareyours . 2. That Chrifr,Cor.j.ti. {hould be g!or;ous, and to that purpofe he makes the: Saints, and vc 1 r}t' · 1 Ch '11 11 h' J 'h ijf :t \C,,J , IOo gtves t 1em to nn, a" t .~ngs are)ours, an you are C /1 s. And certainly faith the A pofile,a~ the lafi day, Chrifl fha/1 come to be 1!/orified in his Saint I, and to be admired in all them that bcleev(~ ; . That God himfelf iliould be glorified; he madul!l f rhinlls fer himft!f. --Bring my fl. ons from farrr, and my daugh- 1 1~ 0 4 v' 1 6 ' 7 4 ' b d ,+ h '- ' , b ,a. >· ' • ters the en s 0; t e eart·n, · even every ont that ts C!l/led ')my ]{_ame, for I have created him fir my glory Now this is the high defigne ofGod, to which all the rdt are fubfervient; mark· the freps , all things are yours, .rnd yo;t are Chri[f,- , ,md (brift is Cjods ( i). For God, and for his glory : the two former dellgnes are to which, but not for which God worketh: he rbat buildetb an houfe , that he may lay a fure foundation, .ar.d that he may raife the frame, he gives it the due filling which belonges to it : but thefe are not his proper ends, hi> main defigne: but . th:~ t he may have an houfe for his habitation: So Cod works many things to our glory, and that in us Chri<t may be glonous ; but the proper end , that high defigne wl1ich he hath in all , it is his own glory. And yet 0 my foule , _confider a little further, the plot of ~ur falvation, of the Saints glory, and·ofChriits glo:y, as 1t a1mes at the glory ofGod, fo efperi~·dly at'tiJe gkq of hzs grace : As tf we fee that one doth this, or that ·in wifdome · ~t ~s the glory of~is wifdome.: if he d~ it in firength or power : 1t IS the glory of h1s power: 1f he do It out of <>race it is to the glory o~his grace: fo God defigni'lg the falvati'on of our foules out ofh1s m,eere grace , f:1 vour love he mufr needes 111tend to h_ave his grace notified in us , add to h~ve it (being known 1 ac~ cordingly admired , and praifed, and honoured by us; n~ but N 3 tha~ ' I