Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1128 1 ) . r 3. Luk·Il,t3, BookY. J..ooking UMto 1e{tll. Chap.l.Sett. 4 fuould promife henen , peradventure thou mighteft doubt bat if the Supream Elfcn.ce of the Spirit of God bear wi'tnef~ within, wbat roo~ fo.r doubting? why,this voyce Of the Spirit is the very voyce of God; heark then, enquire 0 my foul, if thou haft but this teftimony of the Spirit , thou arc fure enough.-Sonl--Oh tha~ it were thus with me! oh that the Spirit would even now give me to drink af · the Wets of Salvation! oh that the Spirit would t,efiifie it home! ob that he would fuir;te upon, and enlighten all t~ofe graces which he ha~h planted in me ! fain would I come to the higheft pitch of hope, oh that I could look upon the ·things hoped for as certainly future.--PerfonThou fayft well 0 my foul , and 1f the(e willies be real , r hen pour out thy fdf unto God in prayer; this was the Apoftles method , nsw the' God of hope fill you r¥itb all jo]aHd peace in believing, ye mllJ abound i11 h~p,e through tloe po'Wer of the holy Ghofl; let this be thy prafli(e, pray as he prayed, pray thou for. thy (elf as be prayed for others; if an earrhly father will hearken to his child, ho'W much more ~ill God the Fi9ther give the Spirit to th,m that ask, the Spirjt of him,---:-Soul-. -Wby if this, be it; co thee Lord do I come, 0 give me the Spirit, the ,wicnefs of the Spirit , the firft.fruirs of tbe Spirit, the fealing of thy Spirit, the earnefl: of the Spirit, 0 give me the Spirit, and let the Spirit give me this hope. 0 the hope of Jfrael, and Saviour thereof in the -time 11[ trouble, why fhouldft thou be 114 a {lr11nger iu my foul, ,,tnd 114 a wayfaring m11n tbat turntth a{ide to tarry for 111 ' night! Come, 0 come, and, dwell in r;ny foul,c,ome and blew o11 "'} garden, tbllt the jpicet thereof may fio'W, out : come and fill me with a lively hope; yea, Lord excite, and quicken, and ·fiir up my foul to act this hope , Yi: a , fo riVighten, or lbine upon my hope , that I may know t~at I hope , and know , that I joyfully expect , and wait for the coming of Chrifr; 0 let me hear thy voyce; (~<1 unto my foul 1 am, ·11nd · wiU be thy (11lvation. --·Perfon~-W·ell now, thou h~ft prayed, 0 my foul, Corne, tell me, dofi thou feel nothing fiir ? is there nothing at all in thee that alfures thee of this alfurance of hope? is there no life in thy af· fcctions ? no fpark that takes hold on thy 6eart to fet it